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View all- Abe NHu YBenallegue MYamanobe NVenture GYoshida E(2024)Human Understanding and Perception of Unanticipated Robot Action in the Context of Physical InteractionACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction10.1145/364345813:1(1-26)Online publication date: 27-Jan-2024
- Nayeem JTaj MMahmud MHossain FArabi A(2022)Implementation of Computer Vision in Low Fidelity Robots: Analysis, Challenges, and Design Implications2022 9th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS)10.1109/NICS56915.2022.10013428(339-344)Online publication date: 31-Oct-2022
- Xie LLiu CLi D(2022)Proactivity or passivity? An investigation of the effect of service robots’ proactive behaviour on customer co-creation intentionInternational Journal of Hospitality Management10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103271106(103271)Online publication date: Sep-2022
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