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Tactile camera vs. tangible camera: taking advantage of small physical artefacts to navigate into large data collection

Published: 16 October 2010 Publication History


This paper presents the design and evaluation of two interaction techniques used to navigate into large data collection displayed on a large output space while based on manipulations of a small physical artefact. The first technique exploits the spatial position of a digital camera and the second one uses its tactile screen. User experiments have been conducted to study and compare the both techniques, with regards to users' performance and satisfaction. Results establish that Tactile technique is more efficient than Tangible technique for easy pointing tasks while Tangible technique is better for hardest pointing tasks. In addition, users' feedback shows that they prefer to use the tangible camera, which requires fewer skills.


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  1. Tactile camera vs. tangible camera: taking advantage of small physical artefacts to navigate into large data collection



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    NordiCHI '10: Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries
    October 2010
    889 pages
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    • Reykjavik University
    • University of Iceland



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 16 October 2010


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