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Impact of research on practice in the field of inspections, reviews and walkthroughs: learning from successful industrial uses

Published: 31 October 2008 Publication History


Software inspections, reviews, and walkthroughs have become a standard process component in many software development domains. Maturity level 3 of the CMM-I requires establishment of peer reviews [12] and substantial sustained improvements in quality and productivity have been reported as a result of using reviews ([16], [21], [22], [27]). The NSF Impact project identifies the degree to which these industrial success cases have been instigated and improved by research in software engineering.
This research identifies that there is widespread adoption of inspections, reviews or walkthroughs but that companies do not generally exploit their full potential. However there exist sustained industrial success cases with respect to the wide-spread and measurably successful application of them. It also identifies research in software engineering that can be credibly documented as having influenced the industrial success cases. Credible documentation may exist in the form of publications or documented reports by witnesses. Due to the semi-formal nature of inspections, reviews, and walkthroughs, a specific focus is given to empirical research results as motivators for adoption. Through the examination of one detailed case study, it is shown that software engineering research has had a significant impact on practice and that the impact can be traced in this case from research to that practice. The case study chosen provides evidence of both success and failure regarding sustained application in practice.
Thus the analysis of historic impact chains of research reveals a clear impact of software engineering research on sustained industrial success for inspections, reviews and walkthroughs. More importantly, in impact chains where the empirical results have not been established, we conclude that success has not been achieved or has not been sustained.
The paper closes with (1) lessons learned for creating the sustained use and impact of semi-formal software engineering processes, (2) a request for researchers and practitioners to further consider how their work can improve the effectiveness of research and practice, and (3) a request to contribute additional success cases and impact factors to the authors database for future enhancements of this paper.


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  1. Impact of research on practice in the field of inspections, reviews and walkthroughs: learning from successful industrial uses



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    Published In

    cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 33, Issue 6
    November 2008
    64 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 31 October 2008
    Published in SIGSOFT Volume 33, Issue 6

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    1. cause-effects for successful innovation
    2. empirical evidence
    3. innovation
    4. inspections
    5. research
    6. reviews
    7. technology transfer
    8. walkthroughs


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