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Making trace monitors feasible

Published: 21 October 2007 Publication History


A trace monitor observes an execution trace at runtime; when it recognises a specified sequence of events, the monitor runs extra code. In the aspect-oriented programming community, the idea originatedas a generalisation of the advice-trigger mechanism: instead of matchingon single events (joinpoints), one matches on a sequence of events. The runtime verification community has been investigating similar mechanisms for a number of years, specifying the event patterns in terms of temporal logic, and applying the monitors to hardware and software.
In recent years trace monitors have been adapted for use with mainstream object-oriented languages. In this setting, a crucial feature is to allow the programmer to quantify over groups of related objects when expressing the sequence of events to match. While many language proposals exist for allowing such features, until now no implementation had scalable performance: execution on all but very simple examples was infeasible.
This paper rectifies that situation, by identifying two optimisations for generating feasible trace monitors from declarative specifications of the relevant event pattern. We restrict ourselves to optimisations that do not have a significant impact on compile-time: they only analyse the event pattern, and not the monitored code itself.
The first optimisation is an important improvement over an earlier proposal in [2] to avoid space leaks. The second optimisation is a form of indexing for partial matches. Such indexing needs to be very carefully designed to avoid introducing new space leaks, and the resulting data structure is highly non-trivial.


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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    OOPSLA '07: Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications
    October 2007
    728 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 42, Issue 10
      Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA conference
      October 2007
      686 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 21 October 2007


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    1. program analysis
    2. program monitors
    3. runtime verification


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