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The design and development of ZPL

Published: 09 June 2007 Publication History


ZPL is an implicitly parallel programming language, which means all instructions to implement and manage the parallelism are inserted by the compiler. It is the first implicitly parallel language to achieve performance portability, that is, consistent high performance across all (MIMD) parallel platforms. ZPL has been designed from first principles, and is founded on the CTA abstract parallel machine. A key enabler of ZPL's performance portability is its What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) performance model. The paper describes the antecedent research on which ZPL was founded, the design principles used to build it incrementally, and the technical basis for its performance portability. Comparisons with other parallel programming approaches are included.

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  1. The design and development of ZPL



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                                cover image ACM Conferences
                                HOPL III: Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages
                                June 2007
                                483 pages
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                                Association for Computing Machinery

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                                Published: 09 June 2007


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                                1. CTA
                                2. WYSIWYG performance model
                                3. parallel language design
                                4. performance portability
                                5. problem space promotion
                                6. regions
                                7. type architecture


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