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The WaveScalar architecture

Published: 01 May 2007 Publication History


Silicon technology will continue to provide an exponential increase in the availability of raw transistors. Effectively translating this resource into application performance, however, is an open challenge that conventional superscalar designs will not be able to meet. We present WaveScalar as a scalable alternative to conventional designs. WaveScalar is a dataflow instruction set and execution model designed for scalable, low-complexity/high-performance processors. Unlike previous dataflow machines, WaveScalar can efficiently provide the sequential memory semantics that imperative languages require. To allow programmers to easily express parallelism, WaveScalar supports pthread-style, coarse-grain multithreading and dataflow-style, fine-grain threading. In addition, it permits blending the two styles within an application, or even a single function.
To execute WaveScalar programs, we have designed a scalable, tile-based processor architecture called the WaveCache. As a program executes, the WaveCache maps the program's instructions onto its array of processing elements (PEs). The instructions remain at their processing elements for many invocations, and as the working set of instructions changes, the WaveCache removes unused instructions and maps new ones in their place. The instructions communicate directly with one another over a scalable, hierarchical on-chip interconnect, obviating the need for long wires and broadcast communication.
This article presents the WaveScalar instruction set and evaluates a simulated implementation based on current technology. For single-threaded applications, the WaveCache achieves performance on par with conventional processors, but in less area. For coarse-grain threaded applications the WaveCache achieves nearly linear speedup with up to 64 threads and can sustain 7--14 multiply-accumulates per cycle on fine-grain threaded versions of well-known kernels. Finally, we apply both styles of threading to equake from Spec2000 and speed it up by 9x compared to the serial version.


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Joseph M. Arul

The WaveScalar architecture aims to take advantages found in dataflow to achieve more parallelism with less silicon area, along with better performance and scalability than superscalar architecture. The program counter, which is a bottleneck in von Neumann architecture, has been eliminated, and the natural parallelism found in dataflow architecture is combined with fine-grain multi-threading to achieve a linear speedup when used with several processing elements. Instructions are ordered according to the path to be stored in a WaveCache, which is designed for WaveScalar architecture in a tiled fashion. In this architecture, deep speculation is done naturally. To alleviate the cache coherency, directory-based MESI is used. One novel idea in this architecture is that the WaveCache loads instructions from memory, and assigns them to processing elements instead of processing elements requesting certain instructions to process. Besides, the WaveScalar architecture does not use a register file for intervening accesses, but directly stores the required instructions. In previous dataflow architectures, even the dynamic ones, the matching of operands was a bottleneck, and reduced the performance. In this architecture, the authors claim that the logic of match and dispatch is the most complex. What impact will it have for the WaveScalar architecture__?__ Will it be a bottleneck, as it was in the past__?__ These things need to be addressed clearly. The WaveCache for this architecture is designed rather well. The compiler for this architecture is yet to be finished-it is rather tedious work. Will there be a linear speedup with the compiler for this particular architecture__?__ This is yet to be evaluated. A hand-coded version would be naturally optimized. Is it possible to compare the performance of WaveScalar architecture with TRIPS, which takes a similar approach, but with slight variations__?__ There is also a stream processor with clusters of processing elements, which uses local registers and global registers that try to take advantage of the von Neumann model without including dataflow concepts. Is it possible to compare the performance of the WaveScalar architecture to a stream processor__?__ Since WaveScalar does not include any register file for intervening accesses, will it have a positive or negative impact on the overall performance of this architecture__?__ The authors try to bring dataflow concepts closer to von Neumann, but with less wire delay, and less silicon that can perform in a single-threaded or multithreaded version better than the superscalar architectures. The paper is rather long; the simple concepts of the von Neumann model and dataflow could have been omitted, since anyone reading this paper should know the basics in both realms. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 25, Issue 2
May 2007
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Published: 01 May 2007
Published in TOCS Volume 25, Issue 2


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  1. WaveScalar
  2. dataflow computing
  3. multithreading


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