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Query enrichment for web-query classification

Published: 01 July 2006 Publication History


Web-search queries are typically short and ambiguous. To classify these queries into certain target categories is a difficult but important problem. In this article, we present a new technique called query enrichment, which takes a short query and maps it to intermediate objects. Based on the collected intermediate objects, the query is then mapped to target categories. To build the necessary mapping functions, we use an ensemble of search engines to produce an enrichment of the queries. Our technique was applied to the ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining competition (ACM KDDCUP) in 2005, where we won the championship on all three evaluation metrics (precision, F1 measure, which combines precision and recall, and creativity, which is judged by the organizers) among a total of 33 teams worldwide. In this article, we show that, despite the difficulty of an abundance of ambiguous queries and lack of training data, our query-enrichment technique can solve the problem satisfactorily through a two-phase classification framework. We present a detailed description of our algorithm and experimental evaluation. Our best result for F1 and precision is 42.4% and 44.4%, respectively, which is 9.6% and 24.3% higher than those from the runner-ups, respectively.


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George Pallis

Web query classification is a rather interesting area of research, since Web users' queries are typically short, noisy, and ambiguous. This paper presents a new approach to classifying Web search queries, made up of two phases. First, the classifiers are learned by including synonym-based and statistics-based techniques. Then, the queries are classified into one or more categories, based on the classifiers that were previously learned. The proposed approach is quite detailed, and is supported by a wide range of examples, which help in understanding the underlying issues. Furthermore, the paper is quite strong in its experimental presentation, which shows that the proposed approach works well in practice, and has proven useful for classifying Web queries. As a computer science paper, however, this work is lacking in coverage of computational aspects. Although the authors provide a running time analysis, it would be useful to see a further discussion of the complexity of the tasks included in their approach. To sum up, this is an interesting, well-written, and easy-to-follow paper; readers will not need to be tech-savvy to understand its contents. This work is well worth reading by anyone interested in the area of information retrieval. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Information Systems
ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 24, Issue 3
July 2006
110 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2006
Published in TOIS Volume 24, Issue 3


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  1. KDDCUP2005
  2. Query classification
  3. ensemble learning
  4. query enrichment
  5. synonym-based classifier


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