Presentation + Paper
4 March 2019 Correlation between a deep-learning-based model observer and human observer for a realistic lung nodule localization task in chest CT
Hao Gong, Andrew Walther, Qiyuan Hu, Chi Wan Koo, Edwin A. Takahashi, David L. Levin, Tucker F. Johnson, Megan J. Hora, Shuai Leng, J. G. Fletcher, Cynthia H. McCollough, Lifeng Yu
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Mathematical model observers (MOs) have become popular in task-based CT image quality assessment, since, once proven to be correlated with human observers (HOs), these MOs can be used to estimate HO performance. However, typical MO studies are limited to phantom data which only involve uniform background. In practice, anatomical background variability and tissue non-uniformity affect HO lesion detection performance. Recently, we have proposed a deep-learning-based MO (DL-MO). In this study, we aim to investigate the correlation between this DL-MO and HOs for a lung-nodule localization task in chest CT. Using a patient database that contains 50 lung cancer screening CT patient cases, 12 different experimental conditions were generated, including 4 radiation dose levels, 3 nodule sizes, 2 nodule types and 3 reconstruction types. These conditions were created by using a validated noise and lesion insertion tool. Four subspecialized radiologists performed the HO study for all 12 conditions individually in a randomized fashion. The DL-MO was trained and tested for the same dataset. The performance of DL-MO and HO was compared across all the experimental conditions. DL-MO performance was strongly correlated with HO performance (Pearson’s correlation coefficient: 0.988 with a 95% confidence interval of [0.894, 0.999]). These results demonstrate the potential to use the proposed DL-MO to predict HO performance for the task of lung nodule localization in chest CT.
Conference Presentation
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hao Gong, Andrew Walther, Qiyuan Hu, Chi Wan Koo, Edwin A. Takahashi, David L. Levin, Tucker F. Johnson, Megan J. Hora, Shuai Leng, J. G. Fletcher, Cynthia H. McCollough, and Lifeng Yu "Correlation between a deep-learning-based model observer and human observer for a realistic lung nodule localization task in chest CT", Proc. SPIE 10952, Medical Imaging 2019: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 109520K (4 March 2019); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Computed tomography

X-ray computed tomography

Image quality

Performance modeling

Reconstruction algorithms

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