Bridge transported servo manipulator system for remote handling tasks under a radiation environment
This paper aims to describe bridge transported servo‐manipulator (BTSM) system, which was developed to overcome the limited workspace of the conventional mechanical master‐slave manipulators in a hot cell.
The BTSM system consists of four components: a transporter with a telescoping tubeset, a slave manipulator, a master manipulator, and a remote control system. The slave manipulator is able to move horizontally, transversely, and vertically by using the transporter.
The performance test of the BTSM system has been carried out in terms of basic functions such as force threshold, bilateral control and force reflection characteristic.
With respect to design characteristic, the BTSM system has the novel features in that the individual motor modules or the slave manipulator can be repaired in a fully remote manner in case of catastrophic failure. Also, a 3D viewing camera facilitates remote tasks giving human operators realistic environmental information.
Jik Lee, H., Kwang Lee, J., Suk Park, B. and Sup Yoon, J. (2009), "Bridge transported servo manipulator system for remote handling tasks under a radiation environment", Industrial Robot, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 165-175.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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