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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    DeltaEcore-A Model-Based Delta Language Generation Framework
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Seidl, Christoph; Schaefer, Ina; Aßmann, Uwe
    Software product lines (SPLs) and software ecosystems (SECOs) represent families of closely related software systems in terms of configurable variable assets. Delta modeling is an approach for capturing variability resulting from different configurations and for deriving concrete software products of an SPL or SECO through transformation. Even though the general concepts of delta modeling are languageindependent, custom delta languages are required for all source languages, which are tedious to create and lack interoperability due to different implementation technologies. In this paper, we present a framework to automatically derive delta languages for textual or graphical languages given as EMOF-based meta models. We further illustrate how to automatically generate the syntax and large parts of the semantics of the derived delta language by inspecting the source language's meta model. We demonstrate our approach by applying our implementation DeltaEcore to four selected source languages.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Difference-based Conformance Checking for Ecore Metamodels
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Burger, Erik; Toshovski, Aleksandar
    During modern model-driven development processes, generators and higherorder transformations are used to create metamodels with short life cycles. Since these metamodels often differ from each other only in small parts, instances as well as metamodels may be re-used if the difference between them does not lead to a violation of instance conformance. Existing co-evolution approaches describe this conformance based on change operators to a metamodel. Thus, they require that changes to the metamodels are carried out using special editors. To use this conformance for arbitrarily generated metamodels, we present a conformance validator for Ecore metamodels that is based on difference-based analysis. The validator has been implemented as a plug-in for the Eclipse framework. We demonstrate the completeness of our approach by covering state-of-the-art co-evolution change operators.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards a Modeling Method for Supporting the Management of Organizational Decision Processes
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Bock, Alexander; Kattenstroth, Heiko; Overbeek, Sietse
    Today's business environments necessitate effective and well-informed organizational decision processes. To establish adequate environments for decision processes in organizations, methods are advisable that promote the coordination of these processes, facilitate the implementation and maintenance of supporting information systems, and foster accountability as well as traceability of organizational decisions. We investigate the potentials of an enterprise modelingbased approach for supporting the management of organizational decision processes and propose conceptualizations for modeling constructs as enhancements to existing enterprise modeling methods.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Echtzeitmetamodellierung im Web-Browser
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Derntl, Michael; Erdtmann, Stephan; Nicolaescu, Petru; Klamma, Ralf; Jarke, Matthias
    Modellierung ist ein integraler Bestandteil von Schaffensprozessen in vielen Disziplinen. Der Modellierungsprozess wird durch vielfältige Tools unterstützt, von denen jedoch die wenigsten eine gemeinsame Modellierung durch mehrere Modellierer ermöglichen und die mittels offener Technologien und Protokolle realisiert sind. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, konzipieren wir in diesem Beitrag ein Framework für Echtzeitmetamodellierung, das als Widget-basierte Anwendung realisiert wird und ausschließlich auf quelloffenen Programmbibliotheken und breit implementierten Web-Technologien basiert. Der Beitrag berichtet über eine vorab durchgeführte Technologiestudie, bei der ein Echtzeitmodellierungstool für eine bestimmte Anwendung realisiert und erfolgreich evaluiert wurde. Das Metamodellierungsframework wurde durch Abstrahierung und Erweiterung der Technologiestudie auf Metamodellebene konzipiert und soll die Verbreitung von Echtzeitkollaborationsfunktionen in Web-Anwendungen vorantreiben.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A theory of practice modelling – Elicitation of model pragmatics in dependence to human actions
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Bittmann, Sebastian; Thomas, Oliver
    Conceptual modelling is a constituting and popular theme in information systems research. With the proposal of different languages, concepts and methods, modelling has evolved to a sophisticated tool of systems design. With a focus on providing concepts with more enriched semantics, even more specific approaches have been developed, such as business process modelling and enterprise modelling. Providing a model often seems to be a means to an end, whether it is academic research or industrial cases. However, if the reasons to construct a model goes beyond analytical purposes, then the respective model must serve a sense of pragmatism, respectively needs to be utile with respect to the achievement of the different tasks an information system has. Therefore, this paper aims at a more restrained definition of the general modelling term, while it is consentient to the constructivism of modelling. Thereby, a model will be not seen as a solution, but a sophisticated manner to provide and evolve information. Having that in mind, such a conception of a model helps to purposefully create sophisticated and pragmatic models.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the accommodation of conceptual distinctions in conceptual modeling languages
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Linden, Dirk van der; Proper, Henderik A.
    In this paper we are concerned with the degree to which modeling languages explicitly accommodate conceptual distinctions. Such distinctions refer to the precision and nuance with which a given modeling concept in a language can be interpreted (e.g., can an actor be a human, an abstraction, or a collection of things). We start by elaborating on the notion of conceptual distinctions, while also providing a list of common modeling concepts and related distinctions that are relevant to enterprise modeling. Based on this, we will then analyze a number of conceptual modeling languages to see whether they accommodate the explicit modeling of (potentially important) conceptual distinctions - that is, whether they have specific language elements to model conceptually distinct entities with. On basis of these findings we then further discuss how to ensure such different distinctions are captured in created models, how to know which of them to support in modeling languages, and where existing methods fall short. We conclude by discussing what impact our findings may have on the use (and validation) of modeling languages.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modellierung – Geschichte in und mit Folgen
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Mayr, Heinrich C.
    Modellierung und Modellierungsmethoden sind (nicht nur) für die Informatik von entscheidender Bedeutung. Wir kommen nicht ohne sie aus, auch wenn sie nicht immer geliebt, häufig unterschätzt, und in der Praxis oft mit "das bringt nichts“ abgetan werden. Immerhin wird die Modellierung aber vor allem in der deutschsprachigen Informatik seit vielen Jahren breit und mit einiger Systematik beforscht, gelehrt und auch betrieben. Zwar werden viele Konzepte regelmäßig „neu“ erfunden oder neu benannt, viele Fehler immer wieder gemacht und Vorurteile genüsslich ausgekostet. Doch es gibt Fortschritte: sowohl in der theoretischen Fundierung als auch in der Erkenntnis, was für die Praxis und in ihr nötig ist. Der Vortrag wird ein Bild hiervon zeichnen – mit Schwerpunkt auf die jüngere Entwicklung, etwa seit der ersten GI-Modellierungstagung. Das geht natürlich nicht ohne ein paar Rückgriffe auf das graue Mittelalter der frühen Informatik-Jahre und einer Skizzierung des Wesens der Modellierung und ihrer Dimensionen.
  • Editiertes Buch
    Modellierung 2014
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Efficient Exploration of Complex Data Flow Models
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Frey, Patrick; Hanxleden, Reinhard Von; Krüger, Christoph; Rüegg, Ulf; Schneider, Christian; Spönemann, Miro
    The modeling tools that are commonly used for embedded software development are rather limited when it comes to communicating certain model properties between different groups of engineers. For example, calibration engineers need to understand dependencies between signals and calibration parameters, while function developers create models with a divide-and-conquer strategy, where details of signal dependencies are hidden by abstract interfaces. We state requirements for modeling tools to improve the exploring of complex data flow models and to facilitate the understanding of engineers from different domains. We propose an approach that combines transient views and automatic layout and present two implementations based on different technologies, GMF and KLighD. While both technologies fulfill all requirements, KLighD turned out to be superior in terms of both performance and programming effort. The implementations are based on an open-source framework and are employed in a commercial product that targets the calibration process for automotive software development.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    SecEval: An Evaluation Framework for Engineering Secure Systems
    (Modellierung 2014, 2014) Busch, Marianne; Koch, Nora; Wirsing, Martin
    Engineering secure software systems is not an easy task. Many methods, notations and tools - we call them knowledge objects - exist to support engineers in the development of such software. A main problem is the selection of appropriate knowledge objects. Therefore, we build the conceptual framework SECEVAL to support the evaluation and comparison of security features, vulnerabilities, methods, notations and tools. It provides an evaluation process and a model, which comprises concepts related to security context, data collection and data analysis. Our approach is validated by a case study in the area of security testing of web applications.