
Interoperability Workbench -- Collaborative Tool for Publishing Core Vocabularies and Application Profiles

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Interoperability workbench is a collaborative data modeling tool for creating and publishing Core vocabularies and Application profiles. Workbench is based on the interoperability framework that integrates workflows for managing controlled vocabularies, metadata models and reference data. Presented framework and implemented tool provides a single tool for creating and publishing core vocabularies and domain specific application profiles.

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Miika Alonen
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Finland
Suvi Remes
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Finland

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Alonen, M., & Remes, S. (2017). Interoperability Workbench -- Collaborative Tool for  Publishing Core Vocabularies and Application Profiles. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2017.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952137601

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