European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR)

Euromicro Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR)

Venue statistics

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      Venue Information

      CSMR-WCRE 2014: Antwerp, Belgium

      17th CSMR 2013: Genova, Italy

      16th CSMR 2012: Szeged, Hungary

      15th CSMR 2011: Oldenburg, Germany

      14th CSMR 2010: Madrid, Spain

      13th CSMR 2009: Kaiserslautern, Germany

      12th CSMR 2008: Athens, Greece

      11th CSMR 2007: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      10th CSMR 2006: Bari, Italy

      9th CSMR 2005: Manchester, UK

      8th CSMR 2004: Tampere, Finland

      7th CSMR 2003: Benevento, Italy

      6th CSMR 2002: Budapest, Hungary

      5th CSMR 2001: Lisbon, Portugal

      4th CSMR 2000: Zurich, Switzerland

      3rd CSMR 1999: Chapel of St. Agnes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      2nd CSMR 1998: Florence, Italy

      1st CSMR 1997: Berlin, Germany