Wright, Paul H.
Jesus’ Travels to Jerusalem.
Two routes connected Galilee with Jerusalem. One passed through the Jordan Valley, crossing the Decapolis from Scythopolis to Pella, then ran along the eastern, spring-fed side of the valley through Perea, an area of Jewish settlement that, like Galilee,
was governed by Herod Antipas. This route then ascended to Jerusalem via Jericho. Although the Jordan Valley was insufferably hot in the summertime, it was the preferred route for Jews who wished to avoid Samaria. The other route passed through Samaria.
Jews who traveled this latter route north from Jerusalem typically spent the first night at Anuathu Borcaeus at the northern border of Judea and the second in the Esdraelon Valley, so as not to have to stay overnight in Samaria.
The northern Jordan Valley, looking east toward the hills of Transjordan (the Decapolis and Perea). (Paul H. Wright)
The name “Jesus,” as written in Hebrew on an ossuary. (Carta collection)John records that Jesus traveled from Galilee to Jerusalem at least three times prior to his final Passover journey that led to the Cross:
- John (John 2:13–25) notes that Jesus overturned the money-changers’ tables in the Temple precinct during the Passover festival. Many scholars suggest that John placed this event—which probably happened only once, during Jesus’ last Passover journey
(cf. Mt 21:12–17)—at the beginning of his Gospel in order to set the stage for an account of Jesus’ life that emphasized his ministry in Jerusalem. Immediately following his narrative of the Cleansing of the Temple, John records Jesus’ nighttime
visit to Nicodemus, an influential Pharisee from Jerusalem who was a member of the Sanhedrin (Jn 3:1–21). Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus, advocating on his behalf during a later visit to Jerusalem (Jn 7:45–53) and helping to prepare his
body for burial (Jn 19: 38–42). - Returning to Jerusalem for an unnamed festival, Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda who had been lame for thirty-eight years (Jn 5:1–17). The Pool of Bethesda was a huge public water reservoir lying just outside the city wall north of the Temple
Mount. Archaeological investigation suggests that this was also a site dedicated to Aesclepius, the Greco-Roman god of healing, and no doubt served the Roman soldiers garrisoned at the nearby Antonia Fortress. Perhaps the lame man had been hedging
his bets, hoping for mercy from any deity who happened along. By healing the man, Jesus showed that he could meet the needs of not only the upper crust of Jerusalem society (e.g., Nicodemus), but also the down-and-out. - Jesus also traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the fall festival of Succoth – the Festival of Booths— (Jn 7:1–39). It is not clear whether he made this visit after he had left Galilee for the final time before his crucifixion, or whether he returned
to Galilee after the trip. In any case, his visit was made without fanfare, not wanting to take the risk of running afoul of the authorities. On the last, climactic day of the Succoth festival Jesus likened himself and his followers to fountains
of living (i.e., spring) water (Jn 7:37–38), a powerful image for the residents of Jerusalem whose own cisterns were nearly dry at the end of the summer drought. It was apparently also on this trip that Jesus healed a man who had been born blind,
asking him to wash in the Pool of Siloam (Jn 9:1–12; 2 Kgs 5:10).
After the trip to Jerusalem during which he was visited by Nicodemus, Jesus returned to Galilee by way of Samaria. On the second day of his journey he rested from the noontime heat at Sychar (Jacob’s Well), near the ruins of the Old Testament city of
Shechem, in the heart of Samaria (Jn 4:1–6; Gen 33:18–19). Sychar lay beneath Mount Gerizim, the site of a Samaritan temple that had been destroyed by the Hasmonean king John Hyrcanus in 108 BC (Jn 4:19–20). Hyrcanus’s destruction was one of many factors
that had bred antagonism between the Jews and the Samaritans over the centuries (cf. 2 Kgs 17:24–41; Neh 4:1–9). Like the Jews, the Samaritans considered themselves to be the true guardians of the pure Mosaic faith, basing this belief on the ties that
Abraham (Gen 12:6–7), Jacob (Gen 33:18–19; Josh 24:32) and Moses (Deut 11: 26–32; Josh 8:30-35) had to the region. Jesus remained in Samaria for two days—much to the consternation of his disciples—and many believed in him (Jn 4:39–42). (JW 1:86) (JW 1:170) (JW 2:371) (JW 2:252)