Demand Generation Bundles

Generate More Leads for Your Firm
Expand your firm's digital footprint, generate leads, increase visibility and grow your firm.

Demand Generation Bundles

Unlike generic digital marketing strategies, demand generation builds awareness and creates demand for your legal services throughout your business development funnel. Demand generation is the foundation for every touchpoint with your potential clients, from initial awareness to loyalty and advocacy. Demand gen is about providing the right information to the right people at the right time that demonstrates you are the perfect fit for your clients’ needs at that moment.
Are you taking advantage of your recognition?
The Best Lawyers Demand Generation Bundle gives you all the tools you need to accelerate your firm's marketing and business development efforts. 96% of people looking for legal services begin their search online. Meet your future clients where they are now, and stand apart from the pack.
Target aiming for Best Lawyers logo
Bundle Options


Combine your firm's Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms badges and profiles to generate leads online.
All Award Badges
All Online Profiles
Backlinks to firm website
Visibility & Search on and


Refine your firm's online demand generation strategy with client testimonials and a digital audit.
Everything in Essentials plus:
Content Sharing (5 per lawyer)
Client Testimonials
Press Release Generator
SEO Audit


Maximize your firm’s online presence with original content and a custom social media toolkit to gain a competitive edge.
Everything in Advanced plus:
Content Sharing (12 per lawyer)
Social Media Toolkit
Content Development
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Marketing Insights

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Take advantage of this exclusive offer now!
All Best Lawyers Award Badges
All Best Law Firms Award Badges*
Lawyer Profiles for all Recognized Lawyers
Firm Profiles on the Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms Websites*
Backlinks to firm website/lawyer profiles
Visibility & Searchability on Best Lawyers Website
Client Testimonials
Content Sharing
Up to 5 per lawyerUp to 12 per lawyer
Press Release Generator
SEO Audit
Social Media Tool Kit
Content Development
Let’s connect to get started!
*Best Law Firms products are available in select countries.

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Establish credibility with your Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms Award Badges. While claims of superiority are common, the Best Lawyers Badge stands as a peer-reviewed testament to excellence, immediately differentiating your firm in a saturated market. This prestigious recognition not only elevates your marketing efforts but also builds trust with prospective clients and enhances your SEO profile through Google's algorithms.

"Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms has done a commendable job at establishing themselves as the premiere source for a credible, merit-based ranking system. Everything else is just advertising."

Benjamin Ness
Former Secret Service Detail to President Obama and current Security Provider to Celine Dion

Your Award Badge license includes all your firm’s Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms Badges:
  • Use on your firm website and your bio page
  • Embedding in your email signature
  • Promotion on all your social media channels
  • Print advertising in firm brochures, client communications and publications
  • Use in client proposals to help you stand out.

Interested in TV or Billboard licensing? Let's talk!

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In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is critical for your firm’s visibility and credibility. A staggering 92% of consumers turn to online directories when searching for local businesses, with 80% trusting these platforms as much as personal referrals.

If your firm isn’t showcased on, you’re likely surrendering potential clients to competitors. Ensure your firm stands out by activating your profiles today.

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Creating a dynamic profile on not only increases your lawyers' visibility but also strengthens your SEO efforts. Backlinks from your Best Lawyers profiles to your firm’s website and individual attorney pages are invaluable. These external links are interpreted by Google as endorsements, bolstering your search engine ranking and enhancing online discoverability.

Profile Features Include:
  • Detailed contact information for your firm’s offices and locations.
  • Comprehensive bios for each attorney, including Bar Admissions.
  • Highlighted case history, showcasing your firm’s successes.
  • A consolidation of awards and recognitions your firm has received.
  • Links to your firm’s social media channels, fostering engagement and community.

Elevate your firm's online profile and leverage the prestige of Best Lawyers to distinguish your firm in a highly competitive market.

*All recognized lawyers are listed in Best Lawyers’ annual publications that release throughout the year, however, to appear on the Best Lawyers website and promote your recognition with backlinking to, your profile needs to be activated.

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Make every client success story count—transform it into the driving force behind your firm's growth. Client testimonials aren't merely endorsements; they're powerful marketing assets that influence your potential clients and demonstrate the personalized service that sets your law firm apart.

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In this digital era, where 98% of people seek out online reviews as their compass, it's clear that client testimonials are more than a mere kudos—they are your brand’s narrative, spoken through the voices of satisfied clients. Inclusion of these testimonials on your Best Lawyers profiles, pending your review and approval, provides a tangible measure of your firm’s ability to produce results.

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Gain trust by publishing content on the Best Lawyers website. While it's important for SEO to feature content on your firm's website, the importance of sharing your external media coverage should not be overlooked. According to a leading industry survey, 65% of respondents said they give more credence to content from third-party sources vs. content on a firm's own website.

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Best Lawyers profiles feature easy-to-use tools that allow you to:
  • Share links to existing videos and your hard-earned media coverage
  • Enable your lawyers to author articles on their Best Lawyers profiles to position their expertise on the most trusted source of legal rankings in the industry
  • Build backlinks to your firm's website to enhance your search engine performance

The more content, articles and client reviews that are shared on, the stronger your firm's presence will be throughout a client’s online search journey.

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Effortlessly promote your law firm's awards. Struggling with creating guideline-approved press releases for your firm's awards? Our Press Release Generator simplifies your PR work, letting you focus on client service and case victories.

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Key Features:
  • Automated Press Releases: Eliminate the hassle of manual writing. Our tool quickly crafts customized press releases, announcing your firm's awards.
  • Compliance with Publicizing Guidelines: Designed to meet strict legal advertising guidelines while ensuring that your communications are compliant with Best Lawyers guidelines.
  • Saves Time: Allows your PR team to focus on higher-value activities, delivering ready-to-use content swiftly.
Ideal for Law Firm Marketers
Designed with law firm marketers in mind, the Press Release Generator supports effective reputation management by:
  • Boosting Brand Presence: Publicize your achievements to enhance your firm's image in the competitive legal market.
  • Reducing Compliance Risks: Aligns with legal advertising best practices and bar association guidelines.
  • Improving Efficiency: Integrates easily with your current processes, speeding up press release production.
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  • Receive a detailed analysis of your firm's website and measure its digital performance online.
  • Enhance your visibility through personalized recommendations to improve SEO; our technical audit will take a detailed look at your on-page and off-page optimization, providing you with a roadmap to improve your search engine positioning and reach more clients.
  • Master your SEO strategy to gain a competitive advantage and increase client conversion rates.
  • Discover your firm website SEO score: our analysis provides site speed analytics as well as a keyword rankings review and social media checks.
  • Compare your website with up to three competitors to learn how to capture more leads for your practice.
  • Options to execute on actionable fixes to create a mobile friendly environment, improve site speed, identify user experience bottlenecks, and ensure your website is indexable for search engines to easily identify.
Image of SEO Audit
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Most marketers understand the importance of a quality social media strategy, but many lack the resources to execute. To be successful on any social platform, you must consistently post quality content with scroll-stopping visuals. Our customized templates, created for you by our design team, offer a cost-effective solution to ensure your social media posts are an engaging, brand-building initiative.

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Social Media Tool Kit Includes:
  • 4 custom social media templates for posting news, announcements, insights and awards.
  • Platforms include LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X.
Social Media icons in a row of LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X
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Content marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies that builds trust with clients. Content aimed to attract business for your practice should answer your clients' questions and establish credibility. In a recent study, 65% of consumers immediately view a brand as trustworthy after reading or viewing a piece of helpful content.

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Do you lack the time and resources to produce authoritative content? No problem. Best Lawyers knows legal content and we can deploy our award-winning Legal Writers Bureau to ensure your thought leadership outshines the rest.

The Content we create is yours to own and includes:
  • Two 750-word articles promoting your practice and expertise, optimized for SEO and online performance
  • Two 60-second animated videos great for boosting engagement on your website and social
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