This was a personal project rather than something for a client so you may forgive the (extra) silliness.

Shooting a Delorean scale model was in fact something I was reluctant to do because it has already been done. But a buddy of mine kept bugging me to do it until I relented so I decided to get the flying version from the second movie as I figured that would be a more original project. 

The movies (especially the first) have excellent screenplays but since the main protagonist (Marty Mcfly) has virtually no narrative arc to speak of I always felt the Delorean was the star.

Nevertheless, we had the idea of inserting people into the shots just for a change and they turned out ok. At least they made us smile. We shot ourselves separately in the various poses against a white background so that we could be easily selected, copied and pasted into the vehicle shots. I then matched the colour and luminosity of the subject to the background as best as I could. In some of the shots the desired effect was a movie poster style rather than realism.

Since I had the Knight Industries Two Thousand from Knight Rider knocking around I included it in a couple of compositions. (When I drove the actual KITT Trans Am a few years ago it happened to be parked right next to the BTTF Delorean.)

Once again, the vehicles were all shot on a practical set, suspended with wires in some shots, and with backgrounds and effects added in post. Hope you get a kick out of them. We sure had fun. 

The video with theme music can be seen here.
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
backtothefuture DeLorean Digital Art  retouching  Photo Manipulation  movie graphic design  concept art automotive   model
Back To The Future...


Back To The Future...

A scale model project using the iconic car from the Back To The Future movies.
