Personalization has long been a challenge for brands, but connecting data across organizational silos remains one of the biggest hurdles to overcome.

Stitching together data sources from marketing, sales and customer service interactions can help brands truly understand what matters to people, according to Jayna Kothary, Global Chief Client Solutions Officer of IPG.

“The minute you start to stitch those data sources together, you start to understand what matters to people,” said Kothary, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

Reaching Audiences With Sufficient Meaning

Brands have become adept at reaching audiences through various targeting methods. But the advent of generative AI opens up new possibilities in terms of the volume and quality of personalized content that can be created.

A key feature of contextual AI technologies is explainability – the ability to explain how data was collected, what it is being used for, and why it was collected in the first place.

“As soon as those pieces start to come to the fore, which is something contextual AI technologies will start to allow, you start to break through the trust barrier,” Kothary noted. “And that’s going to be incredible, I think for brands, but also for their customers.”

Exciting Applications Ahead

Kothary sees exciting potential applications for contextual AI in areas like financial services and healthcare, where stitching together data from various interactions could lead to better end user outcomes.

“Someone just says to me, ‘Hey, dear Jayna,’ or ‘Here is an offer promotion,’ it lacks depth,” Kothary said.

”But with contextual AI, the way we get to its promise, it’s going to be a way to generate new knowledge and start to pen people’s lives in different contexts.”

You’re watching The Power of Context: Driving Attention to Intention in a Privacy-First Era, a Beet.TV Leadership Series, presented by Seedtag. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.