CANNES — Could artificial intelligence be about to revolutionize the way brands advertise in online video? One executive thinks so.

AI is set to transform how brands can take advantage of the actual content inside the videos against which they advertise, instead of relying on more traditional methods.

“AI allows us to really understand what is happening within the video that is being watched at that moment, and we think that is going to transform where video goes going forward,” says David Agnew, Head of Midwest Sales at Silverpush, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

Scanning Videos for Context

Silverpush is a contextual intelligence company whose platform scans videos to identify content which could be advantageous for particular brands to advertise against.

“Silverpush predominantly works within the YouTube space,” Agnew says. “However, we provide offerings across all videos. So that could be CTV, OLV and all of the above.”

“We believe AI is going to transform how brands can take advantage of what is actually happening within the video versus legacy targeting solutions that have leaned predominantly on metadata and audience data and things of that nature.”

Brands Investing in AI Capabilities

“Silverpuh is a technology company specializing in AI-driven marketing and measurement solutions.

Its services include cross-device mapping and attribution, which tracks user interactions across multiple platforms to better understand consumer behavior.

The company leverages proprietary audio beacon technology, allowing for synchronized marketing across devices. Silverpush’s products are designed to enhance the effectiveness and analytics of digital advertising campaigns, providing insights and data to advertisers for informed decision-making in their marketing strategies.”

Agnew says he is encouraged that many brands are eager to explore AI’s potential for advertising.

“Like many people, we are hearing a lot about AI and AI’s influence on all things,” he says, after attending the Cannes Lions advertising festival.

“The takeaway for me is that there’s still so much more to learn, but it sounds like so many companies and brands are very interested and invested in uncovering more of these capabilities. So we’re excited about that.”

New Insights to Accompany New Targeting

But, beyond targeting capabilities, Agnew is also enthusiastic about how AI could unlock new understanding of video viewers.

“We think we’re in a really, really strong position to help brands go further, further with their targeting,” he says. “And for me, possibly what excites me most are the new insights that are going to accompany all these new targeting solutions that are out there.”

You’re watching “Global Leadership Summit: All Things AI,” a Beet.TV Leadership Series at Cannes Lions 2024 presented by Celtra, Microsoft Advertising and Silverpush. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.