Swansea - Weather warnings issued
14-day forecastForecast - Swansea
Day by day forecast
Environmental Summary
Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:14Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:14Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:15Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:16Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:17Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:18Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:19Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:20Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:21Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:23Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:24Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:20Sunset16:25Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:20Sunset16:27Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:19Sunset16:28Hour by hour forecast
Environmental Summary
Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:14Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:14Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:15Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:16Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:17Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:18Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:19Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:22Sunset16:20Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:21Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:23Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:21Sunset16:24Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:20Sunset16:25Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:20Sunset16:27Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise08:19Sunset16:28Forecast for Wales
Latest forecast from BBC Wales Today
- Last updated15 hours ago
- Updated Monday to Friday only
Latest forecast for South West Wales
Last updated 31 minutes agoToday
This afternoon will continue to see plenty of cloud around with patchy mist and fog lingering in places. Also, some light drizzle in spots. A few glimpses of sunshine will still break through locally.
Tonight, large areas of cloud will persist but they will turn more broken as the night progresses, revealing clear spells in the early hours. The odd light shower may develop. Mist and fog over hills.
Tomorrow will generally see brighter conditions with fog also gradually lifting from the hills. There will still be areas of passing cloud throughout the day. It will stay dry.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday
Monday will be breezy and cloudy, with occasional bright spells. A few spots of light rain may drift in from time to time. It will be generally cloudy and windy on Tuesday, with outbreaks of rain pushing in from the north throughout the day. Windy again on New Year's Day, with the odd spell of rain in the morning. Heavy rain will move in from the north-west in the evening.
- Last updated31 minutes ago
- Humidity: 100%
- Visibility:
- Pressure: 1029mb, Rising