Let the Hip Hop Granny teach your class all about capital letters and full stops with this fun routine.
This song is a great way to introduce or recap this topic and will get pupils energised.
KS1 English: Grammar Rules with Braydon Bent and Moonbeam. video
Let Braydon Bent and Manchester City mascot Moonbeam, get your Key Stage 1 pupils to their feet! They have a catchy song that will help pupils to learn some of the rules of grammar.
KS1 English: The Spelling Bee with Bertie Bee. video
Burnley mascot Bertie Bee is here with a song about spelling rules for Key Stage 1 pupils. This is a great way to get active while learning.
KS1 English: Days of the Week. video
The Cheerleader has a fun song and movement routine to make days of the week easy to remember.
KS1 English: Question & Exclamation Marks with Karim & Hacker. video
Let Hacker T. Dog and Karim Zeroual get your class jumping and learning all about question and exclamation marks. This tune will help them remember when to use a question mark and when an exclamation mark is appropriate.
KS1 English: Adjectives & Adverbs with Johnny & Inel. video
Let Johnny and Inel get your class up and moving, while they learn about adjectives and adverbs. Through a song and routine, children will learn how to write better stories using adjectives and adverbs.
KS1 English: Punctuation with Karim & Hacker. video
Get your Key Stage one class up and moving with a fun song and dance routine from CBBC's Karim and Hacker. The song explains how to use spaces, commas, apostrophes and capital letters.
KS1 English Collection. collection
Song and movement routines covering Grammar Rules, Prefixes and Suffixes, the Alphabet and more!
Key Stage 1. collection
Find easy-to-follow active learning videos covering topics including Division, Number Bonds and the Times Tables.