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Your Letters

16:18 UK time, Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Re this, of course, one of the hardest aspects of working from home is self discipline. Just ask anyone who regularly gets letters published on this page. *ahem*.
Sue, working from home, London

British Gas profits boosted by cold weather... and presumably by people taking photos of burning gas hobs with nothing cooking.
Michael, Edinburgh, UK

"Random stat - 51 per cent of meat-eaters would eat horsemeat if properly labelled." They're probably just trying to get revenge for all the money they've lost betting.
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales

Ten Things about the Pope's retirement #6. He loves cats.
I thought it was essential to his job that he was a cat-aholic.
Steve, Aberdeen, UK

Colin Edwards (Tuesday's letters) I'm sure the babies in Stockholm SWEDEN won't notice a slightly wamer temperature in Hammerfest NORWAY, some 800 miles away. Are Exeter babies affected by changes to the weather in Prague?
Steven, Adelaide, Australia

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