Rounding to the nearest whole number
It is not always necessary to give the exact number. For example, if there were \(54,785\) inhabitants in a town, you could say that its population was approximately \(55,000\).
By doing this we have rounded \(54,785\) to the nearest thousand to give \(55,000\).
Rounding to the nearest 1,000
What is \(1,484.5\) to the nearest \(1,000\)?
It is between \(1,000\) and \(2,000\), but it is closer to \(1,000\), so round down.
\(1,484.5\) rounded to the nearest thousand is \(1,000\).
Rounding to the nearest 100
What is \(1,484.5\) to the nearest \(100\)?
\(1,484.5\) is between \(1,400\) and \(1,500\), but it is closer to \(1,500\), so round up.
\(1,484.5\) rounded to the nearest hundred is \(1,500\).
Rounding to the nearest 10
\(1,484.5\) lies between \(1,480\) and \(1,490\), but it is closer to \(1,480\), so round down.
\(1,484.5\) rounded to the nearest ten is \(1,480\).
Rounding to the nearest whole number
\(1,484.5\) lies between \(1,484\) and \(1,485\) and it is exactly halfway between them. In this situation round up.
\(1,484.5\) rounded to the nearest whole number is \(1,485\).