Data deposit

Data collected by UK-funded scientists in the polar regions must be offered to a recognised data centre to ensure appropriate long-term curation and future usability. 

The data acceptance procedure outlines which data offered to the UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) will be accepted.  

Those submitting data must complete a Data Transfer Agreement and Metadata Guidance document as part of the deposit process. The Data Transfer Agreement sets out the UK PDC and the Depositor’s responsibilities with regards to transferring, sharing and distributing data. We cannot accept data until we have received a signed copy of the Data Transfer Agreement. All datasets require associated metadata, and researchers are asked to provide this using the Metadata Guidance template. More information on metadata can be found here. 

The data deposit process is covered in the workflow below. Click on the links to find further guidance and information about each step. 

Please note, we can issue DOIs for the data (needed by most journals at the time of submitting a paper) whilst holding the data under embargo, tying in its release with that of the associated paper.

Please contact the UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) using the details below to discuss the most appropriate long-term repository for your data. This should preferably be done during the project planning stage but can be done at any time during the project. A listing of NERC Environmental Data Centres and disciplines covered can be found on the NERC Environmental Data Service website.

Email: [email protected]