Planned Giving
  • Plan Today. Ensure the Aspen Institute and your legacy will endure.

    Your values-based legacy gift to the Aspen Institute can be a powerful testament to shared beliefs and provide essential support towards our impactful work. Ultimately, a planned gift can make a difference in society well beyond your lifetime.

    Getting Started

    By creating a planned gift, you can accomplish several personal goals at once. You may initially be motivated to learn about the topic as a result of a planning or tax quandary. Following a collaborative process, you can take great satisfaction in knowing your commitment will benefit both you and the Aspen Institute.

    One of many outcomes is to ensure that the Aspen Institute is successfully positioned for decades to come. Planned gifts are tailored to an individual’s unique circumstances. Depending upon your personal and estate planning goals, there are a variety of benefits to giving and ways to give.

    Ways to Give

    To make a planned gift is to make an extraordinary gift above and beyond your lifetime. Careful consideration of the timing and type of your gifts can make it possible for you to achieve a number of financial and philanthropic objectives for the Aspen Institute as well as for you and your family.

    Your Will or Bequest

    A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways for you to leave a lasting impact at the Aspen Institute. Through bequest language, a set dollar amount, a percentage, or a residual of the estate are all ways to direct a gift.

    The Aspen Legacy Society

    We know that many of the most loyal supporters of the Aspen Institute decide to name us in their estate plans because we have elevated their mind, body, and spirit in some way. Our Aspen Legacy Society members have also contributed to the impact of our mission and work over the decades. We recognize members of the Aspen Legacy Society with certain benefits. We invite you to join them and inspire others.

    Sustaining Aspen Institute Programs

    Your legacy gift has the power to make an impact. Whether it is designated toward one particular programmatic area or is an investment in the institute as a whole, rest assured that the thoughtful and quality Aspen approach is carried throughout our work. The Institute’s policy and leadership programs connect leaders, experts, and practitioners across sectors and geographies to wrestle with the challenging issues of our time and to explore innovative solutions.

    To learn more about Planned Giving, please contact:

    Sasha Borowsky, Director, Strategic Engagement
    [email protected]


    The above information is intended to provide general information. It is not intended nor should it be relied upon as legal or tax advice. You are encouraged to contact qualified professional advisors to discuss your estate plans to be sure your wishes for family and the Aspen Institute are properly documented.