The Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards Competition, sponsored by EOPD-208 Extension Committee, promotes excellence in informational materials which contribute to the understanding of agricultural and biological engineering subjects outside of the traditional classroom setting. All members are encouraged to submit their new extension materials for peer evaluation. New material is considered that was produced in the 18 months prior to the entry deadline. For example, educational materials created in July 2022 were eligible for submission in the 2024 competition.

Winners of the Blue Ribbon Award will be recognized in print, ion the website, and at the Annual international Meeting. This is an opportunity to recognize authors who do exceptional work and provide educational leadership beyond the classroom.

Bilingual publications, those in a non-English language and translations will be accepted. If you plan to submit a non-English language publication please contact the awards administrator ([email protected]) early so a qualified judge or translator can be identified.

Fill out the form for the appropriate category for your entry. (You will need to use a Google account that allows you to upload a file, which some university-linked accounts may not allow. This competition is only required for submitting successfully and does not use the Google account information in any way.)

All entries need to be submitted by a member of ASABE by January 25 through the appropriate form, below.  If you have any questions, please send them to [email protected].

Past Winners

Entry Form Instructions
1) Visit the link in the appropriate category below. 

2) Complete the form at the link. 

Blue Ribbon award winners will be notified in late May and invited to attend the meeting to receive their certificate during the General Session Recognition Program. Blue Ribbon winners' names and entry categories will be published in the awards program booklet. For those who do not attend the meeting certificates will be mailed after the meeting to the person identified on the entry form as the one person to notify, for distribution to all winning authors.

Judging criteria are available here


Publications: Short, Medium, Long, and Series
Entry Form

Electronic: Design or Decision Tools, Stand-Alone Electronic Media, Ongoing Communications, Websites
Entry Form

High Impact Extension Methods
Entry Form