When to Call an Exterminator for These 9 Pests (and Skip the DIY)

Leave the big infestations for the pros

Wasps on comb
Photo: MilaSCH / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Wasps on comb
Photo: MilaSCH / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Kate Fann
Written by Kate Fann
Contributing Writer
Updated May 31, 2024
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They don’t call them “pests” for nothing, and if you’ve already pulled your hair out trying to get rid of them with DIY tricks, you’re likely considering when to call an exterminator. 

Whatever the case, there is a lot you need to know about your pest problem to get it under control. There is a point of no return when you have to call a pest control company, and this helpful guide will help you determine when it’s time to hand your home over to the professionals.

Pro Tip
Pest control needs will change with the seasons due to temperature. In the spring, when water temperatures rise mosquitoes hatch, occasional invaders seek shelter within structures during the fall, and freezing temperatures in the winter drive rodents inside of structures.
Joshua Malik
CEO and Founder of Joshua Tree Experts

When Should You Call an Exterminator

For certain pests, plenty of DIY solutions can effectively rid them from your home. But in some cases, the first sign of a pest or infestation calls for a professional. You should call an exterminator as soon as you identify the signs of a pest infestation for quicker results that clear your home as fast as possible. 

While you may be tempted to attempt a DIY pest removal treatment, these fixes take longer to take effect and may not remove the infestation entirely. That’s especially true for major infestations, which may resist DIY spray or bait treatments and not work effectively. Since DIY treatments can be risky, your best bet is to hire a professional exterminator to eliminate the problem quickly. While the upfront cost of hiring a pest pro is higher, it’s a better long-term investment to ensure the infestation is completely eradicated, plus they can help you put prevention measures in place to keep pests from returning. 

DIY vs. Hiring a Pro 

Depending on the type of pest, if you're only seeing a few traces of a small infestation, a DIY solution is a great first step. When it comes to very destructive, difficult-to-remove pests, such as termites or bed bugs, tackling the job yourself could lead to major issues with your home, so it's best to hire a local exterminator. No matter what pest you're dealing with, consistent signs of the pest in your home indicate that you’ve already reached the point of infestation that’s best handled by the pros.

Why You Should Call an Exterminator

When you're facing a large infestation, a professional exterminator is your best removal solution as they have the knowledge and tools to resolve it effectively. Exterminators can quickly assess the problem and work fast to remove the pest at hand. Plus, as an expert in the field, they can execute higher risk solutions to get rid of pests faster, such as termite fumigation and bed bug bombing.

Some homeowners prefer DIY solutions due the lower cost compared to hiring an exterminator. However, don't let cost keep you from handling an infestation. The longer you wait, the worse it will get, and the pest control cost will get more expensive. Keep in mind that the cost of professional pest control is typically $200 to $600, depending on the type, size, severity, and location of the infestation.

Top 9 Pests to Call an Exterminator

1. Termites

Unfortunately, it can take three years or longer to detect termite infestations, and the colonies can range from a few thousand to millions of termites. By the time you notice your wood floors bubbling or deck sagging, it is likely too late for DIY solutions.

Hire a professional exterminator who can safely apply termite treatments like termiticides that can last four to 10 years. Common termite control solutions include liquid soil termiticides, injecting building materials with termiticides, bait stations, and wood treatments. These extermination options are complex and require knowledge and skill to complete safely and correctly, which is why it should be left to the pest control pros.

2. Bed Bugs

A serious bed bug problem can spread to all corners of your house, with the tiny pests hiding in every small crevice and crack they can find. If you have a large, visible infestation or recurring infestations, call in a bed bug exterminator as soon as possible.

An exterminator uses professional-grade equipment to kill the bugs. They have the equipment to apply whole-room treatments to kill bugs with extreme heat. They may also use portable heat boxes or high-grade steamers. A pest control pro may also apply powerful insecticides or use spot-freezing techniques.

3. Ants

Leftover food on the kitchen counter is one of the top problems that lead to pest infestations, along with unmaintained yards and crawl space gaps. Ants are a fairly common problem, but they usually go away once you clean up messes.

However, if you consistently see a large number of ants in your house no matter how well you clean, it’s time to get professional help. Exterminators will identify the ant types invading your home and treat them with insecticides.

Fire Ants

If you find a fire ant mound in your yard, it’s a good idea to call an exterminator. Although you can only see the mound, enormous underground tunnels could extend over 25 feet from the mound.

These aggressive ants will attack anyone who dares to disturb their nest, and they are capable of biting multiple times. A professional art exterminator will use a non-repellent pesticide to treat the mound and the surrounding areas.

4. Spiders 

Seeing a spider or two every once in a while is pretty normal. However, if you notice an extremely large number of spiders or spot dangerous spiders like black widows or brown recluse spiders, call an exterminator to get rid of spiders in your house.

Black Widow Spiders

The good news is that black widow bites don’t usually lead to fatalities. The bad news is that the bites can cause complications like muscle cramps, vomiting, and trouble breathing that require medical attention. If you’ve noticed a black widow infestation, immediately call an exterminator. You’ll notice lots of messy spider webs and silken sacs with eggs.

Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders aren’t aggressive, but their bites can inflict pain. Symptoms include a deep sore, fever, chills, and weakness.

These spiders multiply quickly, so it can be hard to get an infestation under control. They also like to live in dark, hard-to-reach places, which makes treatment difficult. DIY options could take months, and success is not guaranteed. Exterminators will use products only available to professionals like pyrethroid dust or pyrethroid insecticides.

5. Cockroaches

A cockroach infestation, along rodents, is considered one of the worst types of pest infestations. Spotting one American cockroach is not cause for concern, but if you see multiple pests or spot them consistently, you likely have a serious problem on your hands. 

On the other hand, if you see just one German cockroach, there’s a chance you already have an infestation. Cockroach exterminators can use professional-grade insecticides to get rid of a roach infestation faster than DIY treatment methods like boric acid or diatomaceous earth.

6. Fleas

An exterminator disinfecting an empty house
Photo: PixelsEffect / E+ / Getty images

In most cases, you can get a flea infestation under control by treating your pets and home. These small, parasitic creatures feed on animal and human blood and are attracted to your home for its light, warmth, and carbon dioxide.

You can try DIY flea removal methods, such as flea treatment medication for pets, steam cleaning, and salt-and-baking-soda mixtures, but if you don’t see an improvement, or if you’re dealing with a second round of fleas in your home, call a pest control professional. 

Professional exterminator will kill the fleas using a powerful insecticide, treating the inside and outside of your house. You can hire GreenShield certified companies that are mindful of chemical usage while providing effective pest control.

7. Stinging Insects

You’re not alone if you’re afraid of flying, venomous insects. Although stinging insects are part of nature, they can pose a danger to us when they build nests near our homes. If you have allergies to these insects, don’t wait to call an exterminator.

Wasps and Hornets

Some species of wasps and hornets are more aggressive than others. To avoid starting a war with an aggressive species of wasps or hornets, pass the job along to an exterminator. Moreover, nests bigger than the size of your fist are too dangerous to remove on your own.


Like with wasps and hornets, bees become a problem if they set up shop near or on your house. But because bees are an important part of our ecosystem and pollinate our food supply, consider calling a humane bee removal service rather than killing them with chemicals. 

Local beekeepers may also be open to removing your honey bee colony. The American Beekeeping Federation maintains an online state-by-state directory of beekeepers.

8. Mice and Rats

If you see a rodent once in a blue moon, you can probably fix the problem by setting DIY traps. But if you notice a lot of fresh droppings or chew marks on your packaged food or furniture, these are signs of a large infestation. You may also hear strange scratching sounds behind walls and ceilings or notice a strong ammonia smell in your house.

For large infestations, calling a rodent exterminator is your best bet. They will seal all entry points, set up traps throughout your house, use bait stations, and potentially fumigate the house.

9. Snakes

If a snake ends up in your home and unsure if it’s venomous, you should assume that it’s dangerous and call an exterminator. Some snake bites can be deadly, so don’t take any chances with this type of intruder.

If you find what looks like a venomous snake outside, you can leave it be and see if it leaves your property. If you’re concerned, call for help. Exterminators will remove the snakes and apply repellents so you don’t have the same problem again.

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Kate Fann
Written by Kate Fann
Contributing Writer
Kate Fann is a content writer with ten years of online writing experience, taking a specialized focus on strategic SEO.
Kate Fann is a content writer with ten years of online writing experience, taking a specialized focus on strategic SEO.
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