Privacy Policy


Amplified Intelligence (Amplified) is a leading research technology company in providing transparent and accountable metrics and solutions to the advertising and media industry. As such, we rely on the participation of generous people who are willing to share their data with us. For this reason, we set a high standard for consent and we take your fundamental right to privacy and the respect for, and compliance with, all global data protection laws, very seriously.

It is our declaration that we will respect your rights under the:

  • – Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth),
  • – The EU General Data Protection Regulations General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)
  • – The Californian Consumer Protection Act CCPA

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about this Global Privacy Notice, or you believe your Personal Information has been used in a way that is not consistent with the Global Privacy Notice or your choices, you can contact our Privacy Team, via email or postal service, at:

Email: [email protected]

Postal: Amplified Intelligence Technologies Pty Ltd, Level 1, 109 Grote Street Adelaide, South Australia, 5000

If after we’ve worked together, you still feel as if your complaint hasn’t been resolved you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, at:

Email: [email protected], Postal: GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601




In this section, we will discuss how we (Amplified Intelligence) handle the Personal Information and the rights of panel participants who choose to participate in panel-based research. 

To conduct our mobile and PC research study, our audience engagement software (the “attentionTRACE App”) collects information from you on your mobile device  and PC (see more in “Collecting your Personal Information” below). 

To conduct our TV research study, our audience engagement hardware (the “attentionTRACE media hub”) collects information from occupants in the home and anyone near the hardware. As such, guests in your home may also have some Personal Information incidentally collected (see more in “Collecting your Personal Information” below). 

Our audience engagement research is based on tracking where you are looking. As such, some of this research involves panellists downloading and installing our audience engagement software, in some cases research involves receiving our audience engagement hardware through the postal service. 

You are only involved in a research study when you give us your full consent and you can only be recruited through our certified panel partner CINT (

All Amplified software and hardware is free of cost. In fact, we pay you for your time! We are grateful for your involvement and all panellists are generously remunerated.

Use of your data

Amplified uses your Personal Information to conduct media and marketing research. We are interested in how you interact with and use media to help the industry determine what content you are more or less interested in. We use your Personal Information and other information we collect from our attentionTRACE technology and surveys to: 

  1. Collect information about audience engagement: analyse that data, combine that data with other data, anonymize and de-identify the data for the purpose of insights, and provide the anonymised, de-identified and aggregated data and insights to our clients, 
  2. Improve our services,
  3. Contact you for the purpose of this research including ongoing consent and remuneration, 
  4. Respond to your service requests, 
  5. Comply with legal requirements, requests and actions, protect the security of our business and our participants, and enforce our terms, and 
  6. The other uses are described under “Sharing of your Personal Information” below. In certain cases, we may share Personal Information with third parties as described below.

We do not, and will not, sell your Personal Information to any other party nor use your Personal Information for promotional purposes. We only use it for research purposes set out above. 

Collecting your Personal Information

In participating in one of our research studies, we receive and store the following Personal Information that you consent to provide to us when you decide to participate in a study.


Front end Information collected 

(information collected that you experience through your panellist experience):

The data we collect may consist of:

  1. Demographic information (gender, age, income, city, state, country); 
  2. Information about your media consumption habits;
  3. First and last name, email address, phone number and physical address for the attentionTRACE hardware to be shipped (TV only); 
  4. Facial images. For TV our audience engagement hardware is equipped with a micro camera that can capture facial images of individuals who are in close proximity to it, including guests or other occupants in your home. These images are only used for processing purposes within the home and are promptly deleted afterward;
  5. Facial images via the device camera (Mobile and PC only).

Back end Information collected 

(information collected automatically and in the background in order to complete the software solution):

The data we collect may consist of:

  1. JavaScript Tag Data that enables us to identify media consumption and media placement data (channel choice, channel switching, content placement dimensions, content viewing dimensions);
  2. Fingerprinted Audio (TV only) data that enables us to identify the media being consumed. We are not able to reconstruct any information from the sound beyond matching to a channel;
  3. Facial landmarks (TV only) which are used for determining the orientation of faces in images. Landmarks play no part in facial identification, and cannot be used for that purpose, it is the best privacy safe method in biometrics (no facial landmarks collected for children under the age of 18 regardless of whether they are in the vicinity of the camera);
  4. Outbound network traffic information that assists us in identifying the streaming services, linear channels or social media in the study;
  5. IP address (anonymised after processing by zeroing the final octet).

Additional information specifically for our tag based ad tracking and reporting.

As a vendor of tag based ad tracking and reporting services, in addition to points 1, 4 and 5 above regarding backend end data collection, we declare that we:

  1. participate in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework; 
  2. comply with the Policies and Specifications with the Transparency & Consent Framework;
  3. Our TCF Vendor ID is 1195.

Legal grounds for using your Personal Information.

We may have various legal grounds for using your Personal Information, including:

  1. Using your Personal Information to perform our contract with you (or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you);
  2. Using your Personal Information with your consent (which you can withdraw at any time);
  3. Using your Personal Information to comply with law;
  4. Using your Personal Information for our legitimate interests, as long as it is necessary for the operation of our business and does not significantly affect your rights and freedoms.

Sharing of your Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be shared with third parties for business purposes only. In such instances, we establish a contractual agreement with the third party, which outlines the purpose of the disclosure and requires the recipient to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Information while prohibiting any other use of it aside from performing the contract. 

We ask assurances from such third parties that it will implement procedures in compliance with the GDPR, CCPA and the protection of the Personal Information. Plus we have implemented appropriate technical and organisational controls to protect your Personal Information against unauthorised processing and against accidental loss, damage or destruction. In the unlikely event of a Personal Information breach we will notify your panel provider and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so

We may share your Personal Information and other information that we collect through our technology or surveys with third parties as follows:

  1. De-identified and aggregated Information: We may share Personal Information and media usage data with our clients, partners, and affiliates for business purposes related to viewing experiences. However, we will only do so in an anonymised, aggregated, and de-identified manner.
  2. Vendors and Service Providers: We may engage third-party vendors and service providers to carry out tasks on our behalf or to enable the functionality of the study. To facilitate these functions, we may disclose your information to these parties. For example we may use a third party:
    a) data hosting service to process information that we collect through the study (all data is encrypted and pseudonymised in transit);
    data storage service to store encrypted and pseudonymised information that we collect through the study;
    c) fulfilment company for the dispatch of the attentionTRACE media hub (of which the name of the fulfilment provider is revealed to the panel participant at the point of consent to participate);
    d) survey platform to collect and store survey data; e) panel recruiter to manage the selection and registration of participants.

Unless we receive contrary instructions from you, any third parties that we share your personal information with will be limited to using that information solely for the purpose of assisting us and will not have any other rights to use your personal information.

3. Business Transfers: If there is a merger, acquisition, reorganisation, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider, your information may be transferred to a successor or affiliate. This may occur either separately or as part of the transaction along with other assets.

4. Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information in certain circumstances as required by law, or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with a legal obligation, (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of Amplified Intelligence, (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of System users or the general public, or (iv) protect against legal liability.

5. With Your Consent: We may share any information relating to you, including Personal Information and details of your television and online video viewing, with third parties when we have obtained your explicit consent.

International Transfers

Personal Information that we collect manually or automatically may be transferred to, stored or processed in any state, province, country where Amplified Intelligence or our service providers are based or have facilities. 

If you are a UK resident, whenever we transfer your Personal Information outside of the UK, we endeavour to provide similar protection and put in place at least one of these safeguards:

  1. We will only transfer your Personal Information to countries that have been found to provide an adequate level of protection for Personal Information
  2. We may also use specific approved contracts that use Standard Contractual Clauses for the protection of Personal Information with our affiliates or service providers that are based in countries outside the UK, including those based in the US. These contracts give your Personal Information the same protection it has in the UK
  3. If you are located in the UK, you may contact us for a copy of the safeguards which we have put in place for the transfer of your Personal Information outside the UK.

Retention and Internal Exposure

We will retain your Personal Information only for the period required. Once you cease to be a participant in the study the attentionTRACE media hub and/or application on your phone will be made redundant and will cease to work or collect data. At this point we will erase your Personal Information or de-identify it in a way that it no longer constitutes Personal Information. If you wish to have your Personal Information deleted, you may make a request as described under “Your rights” below. 

Exposure to your Personal Information is limited to Amplified employees directly involved in the processing of, or operations of, Personal Information when it is required to improve or solve problems within the research framework. These employees are subject to a duty of confidentiality under contract. General Amplified employees do not have access to this data.


Your Rights

Right to access: you have the right to request a copy of the Personal Information we hold about you;

Right to correct: you have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Information we hold about you;

Right to be forgotten: you have the right to ask us to delete any Personal Information we hold about you;

Right to be free from automated decision making and processing: you have the right to be free from decisions based on automated processing, in the case where a potentially damaging decision is made without the intervention of a human, unless necessary to perform a contract or you provide consent. In this case the contract would be terminated.

Right to informed consent: you have the right to clear, concise and written in plain language how your Personal Information is collected and processed.

Right to object: you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.  

Right to portability: you have the right to obtain your Personal Information in a safe and secure way in a structured and readable format.

Right to restrict processing: you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Information in certain circumstances;

Right to withdraw consent; you have the right to withdraw consent at anytime, which will cease any contract bound by the terms of the study. If you do wish to withdraw part-way through a viewing session, stop what you are doing and use the steps specific to your device to remove the App, or simply turn off the media hub.

If you would like to exercise any of your rights specified above, or have any questions, please contact our Data Privacy Officer [email protected] 



Collecting Personal Information

Amplified does not collect Personal Information without individual consent. You will be asked to accept our Cookies Terms of Use before proceeding to browse our website. 

The lawful basis to process such Personal Information is your consent.  

The information we hold

We will collect information relating to you as a website user and not as an individual. We will use this data solely for statistical purposes to improve the performance of our website. This information may include your server’s address, top level domain name, date and the time of your visit, pages downloaded and the browser used. No attempt is made to identify individual users on their browsing activity.


When you visit, we may use a ‘cookie’ to make a record of your visit and log information for statistical and administrative purposes.

You may remove cookies and/or control their operation by adjusting your browser settings.

Third party agreements

This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of third parties, nor their collection and use of Personal Information even if they are linked to our website. Please refer to the privacy policies and statements of linked service providers and obtain information regarding their collection, use and disclosure policies.

We have no influence on the third party website content and are not held accountable for their correctness.  The owner of that website carries the responsibility of its content. We dissociate ourselves distinctly from all the content of all linked pages on this site.

We may disclose information to service providers retained to perform website analytical services on our behalf. These service providers are asked to treat this information as confidential and are prohibited from using the information for purposes outside instructions from Amplified.

Data security

Data regarding the use of the is collected and stored by Google Analytics. Please keep in mind that sending your information over the Internet is not completely secure. In particular, email sent to or from the Amplified website may not be secure. Please choose carefully the type of information you send to us via email.