A very long book but open to any page and it grabs you, if you have an open mind. Bugliosi has no qualms about what he thinks about seriously stuck conspiracy theorists. For years I had doubts but I only had what the media reported and I have learned two things; Do not trust the media and Lee Oswald was the lone assassin President John F Kennedy. One chapter you will be right there in the limo as it turns onto Elm St. That day, November 22, 1963 changed the world. Mr.Bugliosi is not out to change any minds, he takes you into the details where the devil is. There is more than enough evidence against Oswald to convict and nothing has ever turned up as proof of or even a hint of a conspiracy. If one thinks Oswald did not do it then Oswald's own statement of being a "patsy" makes him guilty. He was not framed and if you think so then ask why did he bring his rifle to work and how did bullets from his rifle end up killing the President and wounding the governor? His rifle and his bullets are enough to convict him. If you have hung your beliefs on "cheap mail order rifle and scope" then consider that twenty dollars then is about $160 today. A fair price for a surplus rifle. It is also not impossible to fire three rounds in the time Oswald did. Experts all disagreed and found it hard to duplicate that but one needs to own a firearm and practice with it before a judgement is issued. Oswald did not even have to use the scope either. The scope was mounted in a way that the iron (open) sights could easily be used. The action of opening and closing the bolt to reload is not four steps but one. Acquiring the target in iron sights after each reload is much easier than it would be using the scope. The rifle model had been in manufacturing since 1891. Oswald's rifle was made in 1940. "Junk" or "cheap" products are not long-lived in the market place! Conspiracy? The author explains why those theories just do not work. If you think our government was involved in this and other events such as 9/11 you give them too much credit. Give yourself no credit if you still live in America and believe in JFK conspiracy theories after 50 years.. Thank you Mr. Bugliosi for the sanity and reason, plus the hard work putting this together. "Reclaiming History" is the definitive book about the details of JFK's tragic and horrifying death.