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AEW Dynamite Results for July 3, 2024


AEW DYNAMITE: Beach Break was broadcast live on TBS from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Renee Paquette interviewed Daniel Garcia and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard backstage!

Garcia said he respected Will Ospreay, but Garcia promises on his mother’s life that he isn’t losing the match tonight.

MJF walked onto the set with encouraging words for Garcia.

Garcia said he wanted to ask MJF one question about Wembley, and MJF told him to just focus on tonight’s match against Ospreay.

MJF: “But I’d like to ask you one question about your match tonight. Can I be in your corner?”

Garcia fist bumped MJF and said, “I’ll see you out there.”

Matt Menard told MJF he thought MJF was full of it, but after everything MJF has done for Daniel Garcia the past few weeks, “…you’re all right with me,” and Menard shook MJF’s hand.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinal!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson 


“The Bastard” PAC!

Danielson used a side headlock takeover on Pac. They got to their feet and locked up in a test of strength. Danielson applied a wrist lock and then used an arm breaker on Pac. Pac took down Danielson with a dropkick. The arena was packed with dueling chants from the fans for both competitors. 

Pac and Danielson traded chops, blistering one another’s chests. Both men had the same idea and collided in the ring with running cross body presses. Danielson walloped Pac with European uppercuts, but Pac answered with a vicious forearm and then a pump kick. Pac wiped out Danielson with a moonsault and then quickly applied “the Brutalizer.” Danielson managed to reach the ropes with his boot, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Pac tried for a German Suplex, but Danielson landed on his feet and followed up with a roundhouse kick to Pac, buying Danielson some time to recover. Danielson tried for a sliding dropkick, but Pac avoided it. Danielson jumped off the apron with a diving knee strike to Pac on the arena floor. 

Danielson charged at Pac, but Pac caught Danielson with a thrust kick. Pac jumped off the barricade and connected with a diving elbow drop. Pac hit a second elbow drop, this time a springboard off the ropes onto Danielson. Pac drilled Danielson with a tombstone piledriver for a near fall!

Danielson grabbed Pac with the Le Bell Lock out of nowhere, grounding Pac on the mat. Pac reached the ropes forcing ref Paul Turner to break up the submission attempt. Danielson climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Pac made a desperate lunge to sweep out the legs of Danielson. Pac climbed to the top and blasted Bryan with an avalanche brain buster for a near fall!

“How the hell did he kick out of that?” asked Taz.

Pac ascended to the top and went for the Black Arrow, but Danielson dodged it! Danielson clobbered Pac with the running knee strike! Danielson went to cover Pac, but Pac transitioned into the Brutalizer. Danielson escaped and put on the Le Bell Lock. Pac countered by rolling up Danielson, but Danielson reversed it and pinned Pac!

“You hear about a game of inches. That was a game of millimeters. Bryan Danielson has earned his spot in the finals next week,” said Excalibur.

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe came to the ring with a microphone!

Mark Briscoe: “I came here tonight representing Dem Boys, the baddest tag team this planet has ever seen. They call me ‘chicken,’ but don’t it twisted, I ain’t scared of s—t. Jack Perry got lucky and came up victorious in the ladder match. 

“But that was last week. I’m not worried about last week. I’m worried about this week. And this week is Shark Week! And when I think of Shark Week, I think of blood, and then I think of Blood & Guts, and right here, right now, I declare myself as the first member of Team AEW in the Blood & Guts match on Dynamite on July 24th in Nashville, TN against Team Elite!”

TNT Champion Jack Perry blindsided Briscoe from behind. Kyle O’Reilly jumped in to the aid of Briscoe, battering Perry in the corner. Fellow Elite member Okada ran in and ambushed Kyle O’Reilly with a Rainmaker clothesline! The Young Bucks joined Okada and Perry in the ring and blasted Briscoe with an EVP Trigger!

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn sprinted to the ring, and The Elite scattered from the ring!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May. They were accompanied by Luther the Butler.

Renee asked Mariah May about facing Hikaru Shida this Friday on Rampage in the semifinals of the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament. 

Toni: “You need to remember one thing. You are Mariah May, and you have me in your corner. There’s not a damn thing that can stop you!”

Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinal!

Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Statlander charged up the ramp before Willow had a change to completely exit the tunnel. Willow hit the pounce on Statlander!

The fans chanted “Willow! Willow! Willow!”

Willow took down Kris with a snap suplex on the arena floor! In the ring, Statlander jammed her eye in Willow’s eyes and then hit a back elbow on Willow. Statlander fired off a chop to Willow on the apron. Willow tried for a German Suplex off the apron, but Willow countered with a back elbow, knocking Kris to the floor. 

Willow jumped off the apron and flattened Statlander with a cannonball senton! Willow dropkicked Kris from the turnbuckles. 

Kris came back with an ax kick, right on target. Kris followed up with a beautiful German Suplex. Statlander tried to climb the turnbuckles, but Willow brought her down hard with a German Suplex of her own! Statlander retaliated with a high boot kick. 

Stokely placed a steel chain on the apron. Stokely distracted the ref while Kris grabbed the chain. Willow ducked a punch from Statlander and rolled up Statlander, scoring the pin!

“Willow advancing to the finals next week!” said Excalibur.

Tony Schiavone interviewed the returning Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., in the ring!

The fans chanted “Welcome back! Welcome back!”

Britt: “Damn, I missed you guys. I’m going to talk to you about three things that we all have: a past, a present, and a future. Our past is a lesson. Our present is a gift. Our future is our motivation. For the past 10 months, I’m sure a lot of you have been wondering ‘where’s Britt?’ The answer given was ‘she’s injured.’ Yeah, but it takes more than that to keep me away.

“Every time I looked in the mirror I said, ‘I’m good.’ Until one day I wasn’t good. The room was spinning. My arm was numb. My entire right side stopped working. I spent a week in the hospital with a TIA. It’s called a ministroke. And I looked in the mirror and I said, ‘Britt, you are not good.’ I told Tony I needed to stay home and get good, and Tony Khan agreed.

“Let’s jump to the present. I’m here, I’m good, and I’m cleared. Sunday night when I needed All Elite Wrestling, when I needed all of you, you welcomed me back with open arms and D.M.D. chants. And for that I will always, always be in your corner. Because at the end of the day, I’m one of you. 

“Let’s go to the future now, which is your motivation. When you’re going through a hard time, go through that s—t because when you do, it’ll make you feel better when you get to the other side. Because we all possess the impulse to be elite. And speaking of elite, I have to bring this up because I heard we have a new female face of All Elite Wrestling.

“It must be so rewarding for her to call herself that after shedding blood, sweat and tears and building this place up from the ground up. It must feel great for her, right? And C.E.O.? I’m sure she studied so hard to earn those three letters. I don’t think we need piped in music to tell our new friend that the only three letters that matter in this company are D.M.D!”

TBS Champion & New NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné pulled up outside the arena in an SUV, with the horn honking, interrupting the interview!

The Bucks greeted Mercedes and said she was a CEO they could get behind. They told Mercedes that her double championship celebration was ready to go!

Up Next: TBS Champion & New NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné’s Double Championship Celebration!

“Apparently the championship celebration is going to begin will Britt Baker is still in the ring,” said Excalibur.

“That’s so disrespectful to the returning Dr. Britt Baker,” added Taz.

Mercedes entered the ring with her belts, but Britt didn’t budge!

Mercedes: “Um, oops. Britt, did I interrupt something? Because Chicago, it’s time to celebrate with your double champion Mercedes Moné!”

Britt: “I get it. I outshined your moment at Forbidden Door, so now you’re trying to outshine now.”

Mercedes: “Britt what you did was irrelevant. Unlike you, I want you to get a real good look at what a real star looks like.”

Britt: “All In, Mercedes. I wrestled at the first All In right here in Chicago. I was the first female to go all in for AEW by signing that contract. I wrestled at All In in London last year you your broke ass sat in the stands. So, I want to face you at All In!”

Mercedes: “Britt, I’m never broke, I stay rich. And since I am a double champion, there is a long list of girls that are waiting in line. So, you need to get in the back, bitch.”

Britt. “What line?”

Mercedes: “I see you’re a fan, so you know what I’m going to say next: there’s a price to pay when you mess with Mercedes Moné!”

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview AEW International Champion Will Ospreay ahead of his match tonight. 

Will was accompanied by Kyle Fletcher.

Don Callis interrupted the interview before Will was able to answer one question.

Will asked Renee to give him and Callis a minute.

Will told Callis it wasn’t Callis’ fault, and he knows Donn will tell Will that he should have hit the Tiger Driver, but Will isn’t that guy anymore. Will said he wanted out of the Don Callis Family for good.

Callis: “I’m not normally in the habit of letting people of signed agreements with me, but I’m so proud of what you’ve done. I’m happy to do you the favor. And maybe one day I’ll ask you for a favor, okay?”

Ospreay: “No problem.”

Callis hugged Ospreay. Callis smirked and then said, “C’mon, Kyle.” Kyle left with Callis.

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho came to the ring with a team of AEW security.

The security surrounded Taz who was sitting at the announce table. “What’s going on here?” asked Taz.

Jericho: “Hi, guys! I wasn’t on the show, so I thought I’d come guest commentate, because you know me. I’ve got to have my TV time. And I wanted to talk about what Hook did this past Sunday. He stole my finish, and that’s the ultimate sign of respect and that doesn’t work for me, brother.

“Even worse was Taz, who is supposed to be an unbiased opinion. Instead, he was standing and clapping like a mark for Hook. And that’s why I spoke to Nicholas and Matthew Jackson. Because if I’m doing color commentary, I can’t sit next to you, because I don’t trust you at all. And Matthew and Nicholas granted me this executive order that says Taz has to vacate the arena immediately. Bye Taz!”

Taz was ushered out by security as Chris Jericho joined the commentary desk.

Cage of Agony— “The Machine” Brian Cage, Toa Liona, & Bishop Kaun


Samoa Joe, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata, & HOOK!

Samoa Joe jabbed at Toa and then clobbered Toa with a big kick. Cage and Shibata tagged in for their respective teams. Shibata cracked Cage with forearms in the corner. Shibata had a leg capture on Cage, but Cage reached the ropes to force the break. 

Hook tagged in but Cage backed Hook up into the corner. Bishop Kaun grabbed a tag and splashed Hook in the corner. Hook took Kaun off his feet with a lariat. Hook ate an uppercut from Toa and then Bishop Kaun stunned Hook with a gut buster for a near fall.

Samoa Joe jumped into the ring, but Toa wiped out Samoa Joe with a shoulder tackle. Hook spiked Cage with a DDT! Samoa Joe got to his feet and cleaned house on the Cage of Agony! Shibata and Hook double suplexed Toa and Joe followed up with a senton. Cage of Agony were choked out and submitted by Hook, Shibata, and Samoa Joe simultaneously, picking up the victory!

Chris Jericho distracted Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata while the “Redwood” Big Bill and the “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith blinded them with chair shots from behind! Bryan Keith tried to injure Shibata’s arm, smashing it with a steel chair. Big Bill clocked Samoa Joe in the back with a steel chair. Chris Jericho KO’ ed Hook with brass knuckles to the head!

They set up a table in the ring. Big Bill choke slammed Hook through the table!

“Hook has been completely wiped out!” said Taz.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinal!

“The Last Outlaw” Jeff Jarrett vs. The EVP’s Wild Card!

The EVP’s Wild Card was… “Hangman” Adam Page!

“We have not seen ‘Hangman’ Adam Page since March of this year. Since AEW Revolution, and he’s been picked by Matthew and Nicholas Jackson. We thought the EVPs cut ties with their past,” said Excalibur. 

Page booted Jarrett in the head and then hammered down with rabbit punches. 

“Those are cheap shots,” said Excalibur.

Page clocked Jarrett with a vicious lariat. Page followed up with a fallaway slam. Page power bombed Jeff onto the edge of the ring apron!

“That was done with malice!” said Excalibur.

Page smashed Jeff’s head into the steel ring steps repeatedly. Adam Page bit Jeff on the forehead. Jeff countered the Dead Eye on the apron with the Stroke! Jarrett took down Page with a Russian Leg Sweep in the ring. 

Jeff rocked Page with an Owen Hart style kick to the face. Jarrett countered another Dead Eye attempt, but Page backed up Jarrett with right hands. Page finally landed the Dead Eye on Jarrett, but Page didn’t cover Jarrett for the pin. 

The fans chanted “Swerve’s House! Swerve’s House!”

Jarrett countered the Buckshot Lariat with a sharpshooter! The fans erupted! Hangman crawled to the ropes to force the break. Page blasted Jeff with the Buckshot Lariat! Page drilled Jeff with another Dead Eye and then pinned Jeff Jarrett!

The AEW Medical Team was checking on HOOK backstage when Big Bill and Bryan Keith ambushed HOOK! 

Chris Jericho threw a fireball into HOOK’s face and said, “Bye, HOOK!”

Renee Paquette attempted to interview “Hangman” Adam Page backstage!

The Young Bucks interrupted Renee and welcomed back Adam Page.

Matthew: “You can say thank you anytime. Blood & Guts is coming up. Will you be our fifth man?”

Page: “I’m not a child. I’m not a puppet. I don’t need any more of your BS games. I am in the Owen, and I am going to win the Owen. Do you understand me?”

Page shoved the Bucks away and walked off!

AEW International Championship Match!

“The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c.) vs. Daniel Garcia (accompanied by MJF)!

Ospreay knocked Garcia to the mat with a massive chop. Garcia got right back up and hip tossed Ospreay. Garcia cracked Will with a short piledriver. Ospreay retaliated with a dive over the top rope onto Garcia.

Garcia battered Ospreay with strikes in the corner. Garcia hit a neck breaker, and then a second neck breaker! Ospreay nailed Will with a DDT, and then a third swinging neck breaker for a near fall. 

Ospreay taunted Garcia, offering him an open shot. Garcia hit a side suplex. Ospreay came back with a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Garcia countered a Storm Breaker, planting Ospreay on the crown of his head!

Will power bombed Garcia and then transitioned into a Styles Clash for a near fall! Garcia countered the Hidden Blade with a back mount. Garcia had a front choke on Ospreay, but Ospreay escaped. Garcia reversed the Os Cutter with a piledriver for a near fall!

“Whoa, so close!” said Tony Schiavone. 

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

MJF rolled his Dynamite Diamond Ring into the ring for Garcia and encouraged Garcia to use it on Ospreay. Garcia handed it back to MJF. When Garcia turned around, Ospreay was waiting for him with the Hidden Blade, scoring the pin on Garcia!

“Daniel Garcia came within a hair’s breadth of defeating Will Ospreay, but it was not Daniel Garcia’s night,” said Excalibur.

“His night will be coming up real soon, I can tell you that,” replied Schiavone. 

Ospreay consoled Garcia after the match before walking away. MJF said, “That was on me, Danny, which had nothing to do with you,” and held up Garcia’s hand. MJF hugged Garcia after but then kicked him with a low blow. MJF put his Dynamite Diamond Ring on his fist and was about to strike Garcia when Matt Menard jumped onto the apron. MJF decked Daddy Magic! Garcia got to his feet and MJF cracked Garcia in the head!

“I knew it! MJF’s no good and he never was! He’s got a lot of explaining to do when he opens up Collision on Saturday” said Schiavone. 

MJF left Garcia in a bloody mess, hammering him with repeated strikes, using the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF picked up Garcia and nailed Garia with a piledriver off the second turnbuckle! Christopher Daniels screamed, “Why did you do that?”

Will Ospreay sprinted back to the ring and MJF retreated!

“Run away, you coward!” said Tony Schiavone. 

Daniel Garcia was carried out on a stretcher as a concerned Will Ospreay looked on. “This has gone beyond the ring, we’ll handle it Will,” assured Christopher Daniels. 

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE: Beach Break on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT live at 8/7c from the Landers Center in Southaven, MS!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Calgary Stampede Saddledome in Calgary, AB!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 


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