AnnJi Pharmaceutical R&D Pipeline

Dedicated to New Drug Development in Dermatology & Neurology


AJ201是用於治療脊髓和延髓肌肉萎縮症(SBMA)的新穎結構藥物(new chemical entity)。SBMA是一種神經退化性疾病。它是因雄性激素受體(AR)蛋白含有過長麩醯胺酸(polyglutamine; 簡稱polyQ),致使雄性激素受體(AR)蛋白在細胞內不正常堆積聚集而引起。臨床前動物研究已驗證,AJ201可提升抗氧化酵素的表現,改善SBMA疾病小鼠的相關病症,包括行為運動功能的缺陷,以及減少了肌肉中突變型AR聚集體的積累。


  • 活化heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1),協助蛋白質三級結構正確摺疊,減少致病蛋白的生成。
  • 啟動不正常蛋白的泛素-蛋白酶體系統ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS)分解,提高致病蛋白降解的速度,降低致病蛋白累積。
  • 活化nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)因子,修復因氧化壓力過高造成的傷害。


SBMA的病因是雄性激素受體(AR)基因缺陷,過長的CAG重複排列嵌入AR基因的第一個外顯子(exon)中,使得製造出的AR蛋白質中麩醯胺酸序列也因此過長(polyglutamine; 簡稱polyQ)。SBMA是一種罕見的X染色體性聯遺傳疾病,全球盛行率大約1/35,000(男性)。該疾病的病理特徵是脊髓、腦幹以及骨骼肌中的下運動神經元逐漸退化。突變的polyQ AR堆積沉澱引起細胞毒性、造成氧化壓力過高和慢性神經發炎,從而導致神經元的退化和死亡。目前全球僅有一個治療SBMA的藥物,稱作柳菩林® (Leuprorelin),在日本核准上市。其藥物作用,僅能延緩早期病患的部分運動功能退化,所以實際臨床使用及治療效果非常有限。

AJ201可以活化氧化還原平衡機制、啟動泛素-蛋白酶體系統(ubiquitin proteasome system)調控的不正常蛋白質降解,並且促進正確的蛋白質折疊等多個關鍵調控途徑中的細胞保護作用,動物疾病實驗顯示AJ201除了可以顯著減緩SBMA疾病進程之外,也具有治療其他神經退化行性疾病或polyQ疾病的潛力,例如亨丁頓舞蹈症(Huntington’s disease)和第2型脊髓小腦萎縮症(spinocerebellar ataxia type 2;SCA2)。


  1. AJ201獲得美國 FDA 三種孤兒藥資格(orphan drug designation),分別適用於治療SBMA,HD和SCA。
  2. 於2019年4月完成向美國FDA的IND提交。
  3. 用於健康受試者的臨床1期試驗於2021年完成。試驗結果顯示AJ201具有良好之安全性與耐受性。 Identifier: NCT04392830
  4. 首次用於病患的臨床試驗已於2022年啟動。 Identifier: NCT05517603

    Do you have Kennedy’s disease?
    A new clinical trial can help pave the way for the future of SBMA research.
    Now enrolling: a clinical trial for adult males with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), also known as Kennedy’s disease
    A clinical trial is evaluating an investigational study drug to determine if it is safe and tolerable in adult males 18 years of age or older with Kennedy’s disease.
    What should I know about this clinical trial?
    • To be eligible for this clinical trial, participants must be*:
    – Male and 18 years of age or older
    – Diagnosed with Kennedy’s disease and muscle weakness
    • This clinical trial will consist of at least 6 visits over a period of about 20 weeks
    • Eligible participants will be randomly assigned (by chance) to receive either the investigational study drug (AJ201) or placebo (looks like the investigational study drug but has no active drug in it)
    • The health and safety of participants will be monitored throughout the clinical trial
    • Participant data and information will be kept confidential
    • Clinical trial participants will receive all clinical trial–related procedures and tests and the investigational study drug or placebo at no cost
    * Other inclusion/exclusion criteria will apply.
    To learn more about this clinical trial, please visit


  1. Polyglutamine Repeats in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Annu Rev Pathol. 2019 Jan 24;14:1-27
  2. A small-molecule Nrf1 and Nrf2 activator mitigates polyglutamine toxicity in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 May 15;25(10):1979-1989
  3. Chapter 17 Kennedy’s Disease. Blue Books of Practical Neurology. Volume 28, 2003, Pages 425-434, cp1-cp2
  4. ASC-J9 ameliorates spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy phenotype via degradation of androgen receptor. Nature Medicine 2001 Mar;13(3):348-353
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