Soovitused kuvatakse pärast otsingu sisestamist. Sirvimiseks kasuta üles- ja allanoolt. Valimiseks vajuta sisestusklahvi („Enter“). Kui valisid fraasi, otsime seda. Kui valisid soovitustest lingi, avab brauser selle lehe.
Üksikasjalikud juhtnöörid

Kuidas käib tavaliste ja kiirbroneerimisvõimalusega majutuskohtade broneerimine

You’ve found the perfect place to stay—and now, you’re ready to book. Let’s do this!

First, make sure your account is set up. Then, depending on the type of listing, you can either book instantly or send a request to the Host.

Saada broneeringutaotlus

Broneerimine arvutis

  1. Klõpsa selle majutuskoha kuulutusel, mida soovid broneerida
  2. Vali kuupäevad, külaliste arv ja klõpsa nupul Broneeri
  3. Kui kuvatakse teade „Kinnita ja maksa“, saad kiirbroneerida
  4. Nupul „Broneeringutaotlus“ klõpsates saad enne broneerimist lisada makseteavet, vaadata tingimusi ning saata majutajale sõnumit

What happens next?

If you booked instantly, you’re good to go. If you sent a request, your Host will typically respond within 24 hours. In the meantime, we may ask you to verify your identity—as this helps us to ensure the safety of our community.

In everywhere but India, if the Host accepts your request, you’ll be charged for the reservation. If they decline or don’t respond within 24 hours, there's no charge and you’ll be free to book a different stay instead.

For guests paying in Indian rupees, you'll be charged for the reservation when you request to book. If your request expires or is declined by the Host, we'll immediately refund you in full, which can take up to 15 days, depending on your bank.

Book faster with Instant Book

Instant Book listings (these are the ones with the Confirm and pay buttons) don't require approval from the Host. Instead, you can just choose your travel dates, filter your search to show only Instant Book listings, and book instantly without waiting for the Host to respond. You can still message the Host ahead of time with any questions.

Bookings within 48 hours of check-in

Instant Book isn't available if you book within 2 days of check-in and you want to arrive at a time that's outside the Host’s check-in window. In this case, the Host will receive a Request to Book reservation and they’ll decide if your requested check-in time still works for them. If not, they don’t have to accept the reservation.

Kas sellest artiklist oli abi?

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  • Kuidas broneeringud toimivad

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Saa abi broneeringute, konto ja palju muuga seotud küsimustes.
Logi sisse või registreeru