State & Local Alternative Accommodations
The hotel industry supports home-sharing and the right of property owners to use their homes for legal, short-term rental operations. However, we are concerned with the growing number of commercial operators – many of whom are out-of-state investors – using short-term rental websites to essentially operate multi-unit, full-time lodging businesses that undermine communities and flout the most basic zoning guidelines. It is imperative that accommodations platforms abide by the laws of traditional operating businesses: proper registration, paying taxes, following laws and regulations, and removing illegal listings.
Our Position
AHLA supports the right of state and local governments to adopt regulations and accountability measures governing short-term rentals. Our advocacy efforts endorse policies that allow state and local governments to effectively collect taxes, along with regulatory measures that ensure safety and zoning concerns are being met in communities and neighborhoods. AHLA continues to advocate for commonsense and local oversight so that “illegal hotels” do not contribute to the negative impacts of affordable housing inventories and increasing rent prices in cities across the U.S. Additionally, AHLA opposes legislation that looks to preempt or prohibit local government’s ability to regulate alternative accommodations.
Have a question? Contact John at [email protected]
Alternative Accommodations in the News
Press Release
Press Release
Press Release