Portrait of Ray Kingman

Ray Kingman

Ray Kingman has been at Semcasting, Inc., since its inception, leading the company in the development and commercialization of its automated targeting and data offerings. As an experienced innovator in content management, analytics and data visualization fields, he directs day-to-day operations.

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We Need an Open Web Identity Solution to Combat the Opacity of Walled Gardens


In the name of privacy, we increasingly operate in black boxes and bundle our solutions with an agenda of protecting our own business models.

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Evolve to a Member Services Model for More Precise Targeting and Measurement


The inconvenient reality of digital advertising is that most brands have to settle for reaching some, but not all, users in their target audience.

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A Universal ID Won’t Work. It Could Jeopardize Election Integrity


The stakes for politics and privacy are too high.

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Why You Can Take Omnichannel Marketing Off the Table


The disruption of a remote economy alongside the combination of the pandemic and protests has led people to change how they communicate and consume.

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Impeachment Could Mean Less Ad Space for Brands


The behavior of the president and Congress since before inauguration day pretty much guarantees a constitutional street fight that will drag on well past the nation's attention span.

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4 Ways Ad Tech Can Prepare for Impending State Privacy Laws


With so much uncertainty, there can be little room for error.