Exclusive: Yahoo's ID Testing Lets Advertisers Compare Campaigns Without Cookies

Clients like Klick Health can A/B test campaigns in both cookie and cookieless environments

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Yahoo is helping ad buyers get ready for cookie decline.

The company is letting buyers compare campaigns running with third-party cookies and identifiers against those running without, days after Google finally deprecated third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users.

This testing capability is an evolution of Yahoo’s Identity Solutions, which covers addressable and non-addressable inventory. The former is covered by ConnectID, which has consent-based, first-party and partner data from Yahoo on 192 million people in the U.S. The latter is covered by Next-Gen Solutions, which uses artificial intelligence to extrapolate from a panel audience of Yahoo ConnectID users into non-addressable environments.  

“On average, Yahoo clients testing this capability found that they were able to drive more than 90% of the same reach with Yahoo Identity Solutions when cookies weren’t available that they were when all cookies were made available, allowing buyers to maintain reach and scale in a cookieless world,” a Yahoo spokesperson told Adweek.



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