
How to Catch & Kill Mobile App Store Redirect Ads

We’ve all seen them; you’re casually browsing your favorite app or playing a game on your phone and suddenly you’re being redirected to the app store to download Candy Crush.  What gives?  It’s another obnoxious mobile app store redirect ad that’s automatically sending you to the app store without a click.

These are the pop up ads of the mobile age and virtually everyone hates them, including the chain of mobile publishers, exchanges, and other ad tech that unwittingly served them in the first place.  But they can be quite difficult to find; because no one wants to serve them they are purposefully targeted and served in a way that makes them difficult to replicate. TechCrunch wrote a good overview of the complexity of this problem in 2015, and also linked to Sergei Frankoff’s detailed technical description on the Sentrant blog of how frame-busting JS combined with 302 redirects was able to automatically open the app store.

Below is a step-by-step guide designed for ad operations teams to demonstrate how to use Charles Proxy to identify and eliminate a mobile app store redirect ad, though it unfortunately won’t act as a detection system or a blocker of any kind. Thankfully most exchanges have found ways to ban frame busting code like the one mentioned in the TechCrunch article at this point.

Step 1: Start recording your web traffic with Charles Proxy

Charles Proxy is a program that will sit between your browser and the internet and record all the different interactions when loading a web page, even those you can’t see in the source code.  The benefit of using Charles is it doesn’t matter how fast the page redirects or how many parties are involved in the process.  Charles will record everything and let you meticulously search through all the interactions at your own convenience.  It has a free trial version, but if you work in ad operations you should just buy a license.  The tool is essential for all sort of debugging needs, and a license is just $50.

Step 2: Catch a redirect to the app store by navigating through your app

This is the hard part.  Mobile app store auto redirect ads are typically frequency capped, targeted in obscure ways to avoid detection, and are difficult to replicate.  If you’re having trouble, see the Advanced section at the bottom of this article for ways to speed up the process.  Make sure you leave Charles Proxy recording your traffic, since you’ll search through the results to find the root source of the mobile app store ad. I’m not trying to pick on Candy Crush here in particular either, they’re just a popular example these ads point toward. (more…)

Charles Proxy on Cellular Networks


Note: Special thanks is due to Scott Eichengrun for this article, specifically showing me how to get the two phone rig going.

This article is a tutorial on how to configure Charles Proxy to inspect traffic over cellular networks, and while it’s designed with ad operations use cases in mind, it’s applicable to any front end web developer with similar needs.

There are many articles out there on how to use Charles Proxy through your phone – I’ve written two myself, in fact. All those articles assume you’re leveraging a Wifi network when connecting to the internet, however and while that’s fine for basic testing on mobile web and mobile apps, there are often reasons why you want to inspect traffic over a true cellular network instead.

Perhaps you need to debug an ad that relies on carrier targeting, or you want to measure data usage or network latency through a true cellular connection.  These are more advanced use cases to be sure, but when you can’t get by with using your phone with Charles over Wifi, or a mobile emulator in Developer Tools.  Plus, Charles Proxy offers a host of powerful features like breakpoints, which you can use to test an experience in stages, or rewrite rules to reference a local file before you update your server, or blacklisting, which can be helpful to isolate the root of various technical problems.

The Hardware Setup

Before you start, you’ll need:

  • A laptop running Charles Proxy.  I’m using a Mac in this case, but you could do this with a PC as well.
  • Two phones, at least one which can be enabled as a mobile hotspot.  I’m using two iPhone 7 in this case, but you could do this with Android devices as well.

Yes, unfortunately you’ll need two phones to setup this rig – the first is used as a mobile hotspot, the second to actually browse the web / app you need to test.  The reason you can’t simply run the connection over a single phone is because you have to manually set the IP address and port of your network connection for Charles to inspect your traffic, and you can’t do that on your phone’s cellular connection.  Creating a mobile hotspot however gives you the ability the adjust those settings on the device connecting through it.  So you’re using one phone for its mobile network and the other phone as the client that proxies requests through Charles.

charles proxy cellular hardware setup


How Ad Serving Works – Mobile vs. Web Environments

The most popular article on this blog is one of the very first ones I ever wrote – How Does Ad Serving Work. What I probably should have titled it though was How Does Ad Serving Work on the Web, because there are a few important differences when you’re talking about the mobile ecosystem.

Server Redirects vs. Client Redirects

For the most part, it comes down to the interaction between a client and a server – in desktop environments, the user’s browser, or the client in technical-speak, does most of the work fetching and redirecting information, which is ideal for lots of reasons. For one, redirecting the client gives each platform in the ecosystem the ability to drop or read a cookie, which helps with downstream conversion tracking, frequency measurement, and audience profiling. Secondly, it facilitates client-side tracking of key metrics like clicks and impressions for billing purposes. Client-side tracking is the preferred methodology for advertisers because it measures requests from a user instead of from a server, and is therefore a more accurate measure of what a user actually saw.  This process requires more work from the browser, but that’s OK because high-speed connections and unlimited data usage is pretty much the norm these days for home and office connections.

Desktop Ad Serving Sequence

In mobile environments though, connection speeds really matter. Many users are on slow enough connections that if the browser or app was responsible for fetching the ad the way it does on desktop connections, the user is likely to abandon the page before the ad finished loading. Because of that, you often see more of the work being done in the cloud for mobile ad serving, independent of the client. So instead of the browser calling a server, and then being redirected to another server, the browser tends to call a server, which then calls other servers, which can talk to each other through the ultra-fast fiber-optic landlines instead of the cellular network. (more…)