Home Ad Exchange News Traditional Media Plummets In UK; Trump Outspending Biden On Google And YouTube

Traditional Media Plummets In UK; Trump Outspending Biden On Google And YouTube

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Down With Tradition

Traditional media, walloped by the pandemic’s economic effects, will drag the United Kingdom’s total media spend down 7.5% from last year, according to eMarketer. The analyst firm expects traditional media ad spend to collapse 22.6% in 2020, an estimate stemming from the optimistic hope there will be no second wave of infections. Meanwhile, UK digital ad spending will be flat with just 0.3% growth to $19.25 billion. “However,” writes eMarketer, “it is the only major medium that will see growth in advertiser spend in 2020,” adding that digital will make up 71.7% of total UK ad spend. Emarketer does anticipate that traditional media will rebound somewhat next year, though not to pre-pandemic levels. More.

Social Standoff

President Trump is outspending Vice President Joe Biden on Google and YouTube 3 to 1, according to The Washington Post, which compared the candidates’ “strikingly divergent” social media strategies. Trump, for instance, features nightly broadcasts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Twitch, supplemented by high-velocity tweeting, many of which are retweets of fans and followers. By contrast, Biden is more conventional. If Trump’s social media is about keeping followers angry, Biden wants people to feel like they’ve been brought into the campaign, said the campaign’s digital director Rob Flaherty. More.

Fly That Flag

CCPA enforcement started on July 1 – click here for AdExchanger’s complete brain dump on the new privacy law – and it’s already giving Facebook and Instagram advertisers a headache, reports Search Engine Land. At issue is Facebook’s new feature called Limited Data Use (LDU), designed to control how business accounts use Californians’ personal info. The onus is on businesses to add the LDU flag to the Facebook pixel, without which Facebook says “it will not be able to provide full measurement and optimization capabilities” or allow advertisers to fully use customer data. So for now, a lot of businesses are realizing they have a big blind spot in California. Moral of the story: update your Facebook pixel.

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Must Read

Google filed a motion to exclude the testimony of any government witnesses who aren’t economists or antitrust experts during the upcoming ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

Google Is Fighting To Keep Ad Tech Execs Off the Stand In Its Upcoming Antitrust Trial

Google doesn’t want AppNexus founder Brian O’Kelley – you know, the godfather of programmatic – to testify during its ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

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Starting last week and into this week, hundreds of court-filed documents have been unsealed in the lead-up to the Google ad tech antitrust trial – and it’s a bonanza.

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