Recent papers in Virtuality
Jean Baudrillard sees in today’s simulation the model ‘of a real but without origin or reality: a hyperreal’. With the hyperreal, the individual is unable to distinguish what is real and what is not. In this article, I argue how the... more
Based on a brief overview of the history of ontology and on some philosophical problems of virtual reality, a new approach to virtuality is proposed. To characterize the representational (information, cognitive, cultural, communication)... more
Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert die Beschaffenheit und Qualität der Lehre in virtuellen Klassenzimmern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Online-Identitäten. Als Fallbeispiel dient insbesondere eine Lehrveranstaltung, bei der Studierende im... more
Wenn von Virtualität oder dem Virtuellen die Rede ist, wird dies zumeist im technischen Sinne verstanden: »Virtuell« ist dann das, was nicht materiell ist, wie etwa das, was auf Bildern zu sehen ist. In einem gesteigerten Maße wird... more
This paper seeks to clarify the role of the image in video game representation. I argue that virtuality is incompatible with depictive representation, and that the distinction between virtual environments and interactive depiction is... more
This study investigates how the members of four different role-playing communities on the online platform Second Life perform social as well as dramatic roles within their community. The trajectories of power influencing these roles are... more
An analysis of the physical implications of abstractness reveals the reality of three interconnected modes of existence: abstract, virtual and concrete. This triple-aspect monism clarifies the ontological status of subatomic quantum... more
While technology is transforming itself from tool to aim, machines started to use individuals. The machines that are being developed to facilitate human life have become indispensible for individuals' lives because of the advantages they... more
Az utóbbi évtizedekben a társadalmi lét újratermelésében dominánssá váló reprezentációs technikák kiterjedt használata miatt valóságfelfogásunk átalakul. A valóság átértelmezésében meghatározó szerepet játszik a virtualitás fogalma:... more
Az identitás értelmezéseinél általában előnyben részesítjük az érzékszerveink által közvetlenül elérhető makroszkopikus objektumokra vonatkozó tapasztalatainkat és az ily módon azonosítható relációkat, tulajdonságokat. Évtizedes viták... more
Screen-based virtual worlds have been described as fundamentally disembodying. Contrary to this, the aim of this article is to provide a phenomenological analysis of bodily presence in one case of screen-based virtuality. By integrating... more
The use of computer-generated imagery is becoming increasingly ubiquitous across many fields including media, advertising, architecture and art. This represents a fundamental shift within visual culture, as imagery can now be produced... more
In the Medium of Communication: Studies on the Philosophy of Communication. This volume collects my papers written in recent years on contemporary communication phenomena and communication processes in the wider sense, focusing on the... more
Das Verhältnis von Realität, Virtualität und Simulation ist gerade mit Blick auf das Phänomen der Digitalisierung zentral. Häufig wird der Term "virtuelle Realität" synonym zu "(digitaler) Simulation" gebraucht. Doch ist diese... more
In On the Plurality of Worlds David Lewis claims that the actual world is one of a huge plurality of concrete worlds, inhabited by equally concrete individuals, and that these worlds are causally and spatiotemporally isolated. Our world... more
"Nichts ist, wie es scheint", "nichts geschieht zufällig", und "alles ist miteinander verbunden" - diese drei Grundannahmen charakterisieren Verschwörungstheorien unterschiedlicher Provenienz. Damit zeigen sie eine deutliche Parallelität... more
A translation of Michel Serres' 1994 work Atlas. From the Translator's Afterword: Some time back around 1998 or 1999, Anthony Uhlmann embarked on a translation of Atlas. He even had a publisher all lined up and a contract. Yet after he... more
We are in the midst of a return to Henri Bergson – the French philosopher whose influence touches the fields of continental philosophy, literary theory and art theory. This revival of interest in his work could even be called a full-blown... more
Here are discusses a number of specific semantic and morphological issues of the music created with an instrumentality of electronic audio technologies in a certain narrow context, which is formulated as an aspect of the phonographic... more
This article strives to make novel headway in the debate concerning esports' relationship to sports by focusing on the relationship between esports and physicality. More precisely, the aim of this article is to critically assess the claim... more
"Cybercultural Ecologies examines the interpenetrating relationships between nature, virtuality, and narrative. Operating at the interface between ecocriticism and cyberculture, its approach is narrative-based and thematic, focusing on... more
From the period that David Herman refers to as classical narratology to the present day, we can observe major shifts in the way plot and narrative sequence are dealt with, giving new insights into the dynamics and indeterminacy of... more
Grounded in the philosophies of experience of Martin Heidegger, George Herbert Mead, and Alfred Schutz, this paper presents and emerging concept called the interactional self to illustrate how there are no clear phenomenological... more
Sex toys have been a controversial topic and discussion across the globe. It has also been a context in sexual, personality and identity development for teenagers, adults in accepting and regaining their identity. In fact in countries... more
This thesis presents an emerging concept called the interactional self to illustrate how, contrary to theories of “cyberspace” and “cyberselves,” there tend not to be sharp socio-phenomenological distinctions between “virtual” and offline... more
Music related to Buddhism, or Buddhist music in general, gains attention only in the recent decades. Mahāyāna Buddhism substantially registers the importance of music, despite a restriction on the monastic involvement in music... more
(This is a penultimate draft of my paper 'Bergson on Virtuality and Possibility'. A final version with substantive modifications is now published in Sinclair and Wolf (eds.), Bergsonian Mind, Routledge, 2021.)... more
This text on the Deleuzian notions of the actual and the virtual is from my book "Kulturelle Komplexität: Gilles Deleuze und die Kulturtheorie der American Studies" (transcript, 2015).
In this article, I argue that the particular configuration of such concepts as “religion,” "ritual" and "theatre" will determine how the respective field of study is approached and the issues under scrutiny are configured. It is thus... more
Lange hat die Filmtheorie den Film primär verstanden als Abbild der Welt oder als Medium ihrer Enthüllung oder Entdeckung. Es kommt indes darauf an zu verstehen, wie der Film die Welt virtualisiert – und dadurch verändert.
The word "ἀρετή" (virtue, goodness) was translated by the Latin word "virtus" (virtue; strength / courage) when translating the ancient Greek philosophical texts into Latin. Through Plato’s doctrine of the aretê-eidos, the Latin concept... more
L’avvento del World Wide Web ha attivato un cambiamento di stadio all’interno delle relazioni e dell’informazione, con la cultura mediatica appare la congettura della relazione di massa, smistata in una rete, impossibile da localizzare.... more
The developments in Artificial Intelligence promise a world where we'll be accustomed to an ongoing relationship with machines, exempt from the boundaries of space and time. Advancements in AI are culminating in robots, computers and... more
Authors/Szerzők: Szabó Gábor, Szabó György, Vukov Jeromos, Berszán István, Máthé Dénes, Veress Károly, G. Etényi Nóra, Bakó Edit, Csonta Réka, Molnár Dániel, Szuszámi Zsuzsanna, Rácz Éva Mária, Serestély Zalán, Orbán Gyöngyi, Homa Ildikó,... more
A fost odată ca niciodată, că de încă ar fi, n-am mai povesti… A fost o vreme când părinții și bunicii aveau vreme să le citească basme copiilor, adormindu-i cu lumea lui Făt-Frumos, a Cosânzenelor și zmeilor, învățându-i despre bunătatea... more
ABSTRACT. Oscar Wilde’s only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is an intriguing piece of writing for which the concept of the virtual may usefully serve as a paradigm. Apparently, this novel seems to be just another, albeit brilliant,... more
With the progress of artificial intelligence, the digitalization of the lifeworld, and the reduction of the mind to neuronal processes, the human being appears more and more as a product of data and algorithms. Thus, we conceive ourselves... more
Confrontandosi con i nuovi contesti socio-culturali, l’autrice riflette sul senso costitutivo della famiglia come fondamento dell’esserci-per-gli-altri e sull’impegno ineludibile dei genitori ad acquisire nuove competenze relazionali, per... more