Turkish Modernization
Recent papers in Turkish Modernization
Öz Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Türk düşünce geleneği içinde özgün bir yere sahiptir. Osmanlı Türk modernleşmesi sürecinde bozulan " ruh bütünlüğü " nün sağlanması sorunu, yeni ile eskinin mücadelesi ve bu sürecin yarattığı kültürel bunalım, iş... more
A review of the novel commissioned when its first translation to English appeared.
This study focuses on the relationship between women’s work and women’s liberation and emancipation from male domination by examining, within a feminist epistemological and methodological standpoint, the personal and occupational... more
Contemporary education, which is an agent of modernization in various forms, is also of the Western origin. Traditionally, content of education was esoteric and metaphysical; its communication was limited to the upper classes or the... more
It is significant to present the detailed biographies of the figures having critical roles during the modernization of education in the Ottoman Empire and analyse their contribution to the educational policies and practices of their... more
Giriş: Türkiye' de modernleşme sürecinin karakterini ortaya koyabilmek için eğitim sisteminin sekülerleşmesini ve Osmanlı'nın son dönem entelektüellerinin Batılılaşmaya karşı tutumlarını gözden geçirmek gerekmektedir. Osmanlı... more
This article focuses on the local political dynamics of early republican Turkey. Taking under close scrutiny the local organizations of the Republican People’s Party, this article aims to shed light on the unexplored aspects of the early... more
The Effect of Gülhane Edict on Ottoman Sociological Structure and Ottoman Traditional State Order.
Alafranga Halleri’nde Fatma Tunç Yaşar, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonu ve yirminci yüzyılın başında yayımlanmış Osmanlı âdâb-ı muâşeret kitaplarının bağlamını, muhtevasını ve gündemini, geç dönem Osmanlı sosyo-politik ve kültürel atmosferi... more
In the Early Republican period, several strategies were employed to exclude the Ottoman music tradition from the field of cultural legitimacy. However, the attempts to exclude this music completely from the social life through... more
This study analyzes the transition period from Ottoman Empire to Early Turkish Republic and its effects on both social life and urban public spaces. In other words, it examines how the notion of public space was used as a tool for the... more
Özet Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Kemalist modernleşme sürecinin niteliğini tartışmaktır. Bu doğrultuda makale öncelikle Tanzimat döneminden itibaren Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda gözlenen siyasi değişikliklerin Türk modernleşmesindeki yerinin ve... more
Orhan Pamuk’s latest novel “A Strangeness In My Mind” is about the story of Mevlüt whom had migrated from country to İstanbul in 1969. Migration from country to the cities which begun in the 1950’s caused big social changes in Turkey and... more
Modernization; developed by Western sociologists, which describes economic development, socio-cultural diversity, understanding and realization of the democratic process of social change, with the stages of "traditional society",... more
This paper is a review of "Mid-Century Modernism in Turkey (Architecture Across Cultures in the 1950s and 1960s" (2018) edited by Meltem Gürel.
Članak pokušava izdvojiti osnovne uzroke neuspjeha osmanske elite da modernizira Carstvo prema europskom uzoru i da ga potpuno osamostali na političkom i gospodarskom polju. Dosadašnja tumačenja, koja se zasnivaju na teoriji... more
The study of revolutions is at the forefront of the growing field of International Historical Sociology (IHS). As IHS scholars have sought to uncover the spatio-temporally changing character of international relations, they have come a... more
Yazmak her zaman geçmişle bir diyaloğa girmek anlamına gelir. Bir romancı, eserlerini ortaya çıkarırken kendini daha önceki yazarların ayak izlerini takip ederken bulur ki, bu biraz da ölülerle konuşmak gibi bir şeydir. Doğuda yaşayan bir... more
(Tr) İmparatorluk'tan Cumhuriyet'e geçiş sürecine ilişkin Türk siyasal hayatı anlatısı, genellikle rejimlerin hukukî niteliklerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu açıdan I. Meşrutiyet ve II. Meşrutiyet dönemleri parlamentolu anayasal rejime, iki... more
The Hat Law is one of the hallmarks of the early republican Turkey’s modernization process. The nationalist-modernist elite attempted to modernize the society through changing the cultural codes like clothing styles. The symbols such as... more
The modernization movement through education in Turkish society dates back to the late Ottoman period. The importance of education has continued in the early periods of the new Turkish Republic. Educational reforms in the second quarter... more
With the declaration of the Republic in 1923, Turkey had been directed toward a new route in political, cultural and social domains and education was one of the reformed areas. The newly founded republic was based on nationalistic ideals... more
Tarih, çelişkinin çözülmesiyle, başka bir deyişle iki büyük zıt kuvvetten birinin üstün çıkmasıyla ilerler. Bu sırada her iki kuvvetin içinde de birbiriyle mücadele eden zıt kuvvetler vardır ve onların içinde de başka zıt kuvvetler… Bu... more
The fleet Turkish Republic inherited from the Ottoman Empire consisted of scrap ships left to rot, the battleship Yavuz, badly damaged and hence incapable of any maneuvering and operation, and a dock with shipbuilding yards which were not... more
From 1924 to 1946 the Republic of Turkey was in effect ruled as an authoritarian single-party regime. During these years the state embarked upon an extensive reform programme of modernisation and nation-building. Lamprou offers an... more
Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e geçiş aşamasının, bir başka deyişle ‘Osmanlı Modernleşmesi’nin siyasal aktörlerini ifade etmesi bakımından İttihat ve Terakki iktidarı ve onun öncülü olarak ‘Jön Türkler’ diye adlandırılan yenilikçi... more
There is a tendency in the literature to emphasise how contemporary Islamic movements promote ways of living a pious Muslim life alternative to those proposed by secular liberal modernity. For this reason, the domains of religious and... more
Modernization that have been expanded on the world since the mid 19th century, became a global phenomenon with its economic, social, political, and cultural dimensions. Turkey has encountered modernization and its affects for a long time.... more