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La nouvelle création de Seppe Baeyens, Invited, réunit dans une salle différentes générations prises dans un mouvement traversant les frontières : celles du vide qui nous séparent autant dans nos vies que sur la scène, celle des âges nous... more
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      Jean-Paul SartreLeo BersaniDanseTheatre and Politics
Scientific co-direction and co-organization with Julie Sermon (MCF, Université Lumière Lyon 2) of a cycle of investigation and international colloquium to be held in Charleville-Mézières, 20-22nd, November, 2014.
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      Performing ArtsPuppetryPerformativity, politics and ethics of spectatorship in the performing artsTheatre and Politics
Section on the play by Marivaux cut from an article on Lyotard's "Discours, figure".
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesJean-François LyotardEighteenth-Century TheatreTheatre and Politics
This study aims at exploring the significance of Post-Neoliberalism in Anders Lustgarten’s If You Don't Let Us Dream We Won't Let You Sleep (2013). Acknowledging that any literary production cannot be examined without considering a bigger... more
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      Cultural StudiesContemporary DramaPolitical theatreFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009
Η σκηνογραφία, ως εφαρμοσμένη τέχνη, είναι το αποτέλεσμα μίας συνάρτησης ανάμεσα σε τρεις παράγοντες: τον σχεδιασμό του καλλιτέχνη σκηνογράφου, το οικονομικό μερίδιο που της αναλογεί από τον προϋπολογισμό της παραγωγής και φυσικά τη... more
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      ScenographyTheatre ArchitectureStage DesignTheatre and Politics
On the occasion of the 2017 National Arts Month in the Philippines, José Estrella directed Faust, a contemporary Philippine adaptation written by Rody Vera. This chapter looks at Faust as an allegory of the current Philippine political... more
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      Asian StudiesTheatre StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesAdaptation
Στη μελέτη αυτή αναλύουμε την πολιτική διάσταση του θεάτρου του σύγχρονου Αργεντινού συγγραφέα και σκηνοθέτη Rodrigo Garcia. Πιο συγκεκριμένα αναφερόμαστε στον ανατρεπτικό και προκλητικό τρόπο της σκηνοθεσίας του Garcia, που εκφράζεται... more
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      Political theatreContemporary TheatreEleni PapalexiouΈλενα Παπαλεξίου
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre and Politics
n the ‘80s, satirical student groups, the so-called artistic “brigades”, were one of the most dynamic subversive artistic phenomena against the communist system. This paper aims to shine a light on the dimension of this phenomenon, to... more
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      Theatre CriticismTheatre and PoliticsRomanian TheatreCampus Humor
«Τι είναι η πατρίδα μας;» Χρειαζόταν να περάσουν περίπου 80 χρόνια από την ίδρυση του Εθνικού Θεάτρου για να μπορέσει αυτό το ερώτημα να τεθεί όχι ως δεδομένο αλλά ως ζητούμενο. Αντιστρέφοντας τους όρους, θα μπορούσε να αναρωτηθεί... more
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      CensorshipTheatre HistoryGreek TheatreModern Greek History
In this essay, we explore what is at stake for Kurdish theatre artists who develop their theatre praxis in a permanent state of emergency imposed by the Turkish government, and why it matters to act, both in the general sense and in the... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDramaturgyKurdish Studies
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      Theatre HistoryRisorgimentoItalian RisorgimentoTheatre and Politics
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryTheatre TheoryTheatre
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      Armenian StudiesPerformance StudiesStereotypes and PrejudiceOttoman Studies
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni), pp. 125-162. Sommario: 1 La nozione del teatro di guerriglia. 2 Teatro sperimentale e teatro politico. 3 La nuova sinistra e il teatro di guerriglia. 4 Teatro di... more
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      American StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryApplied Theatre
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      Theatre StudiesFeminist TheoryPerformance StudiesMarxist theory
Resumen: Este artículo se propone un análisis crítico sobre los diversos modos en los que la práctica del teatro comunitario argentino (1983-) se relaciona con los procesos de recuperación de la memoria y cómo esto impacta en la... more
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    • Theatre and Politics Having designed a dialogue between two critics, who co-founded the Critical Collective and co-produced works on contemporary theatre in... more
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      Turkish TheatreTheatre and PoliticsTürk tiyatrosu
’Nothing is less reliable, nothing is less clear today than the word “archive”,’ observed Jacques Derrida in his book Archive Fever: a Freudian Impression (1996). This paper reflects on the unsettling process of establishing (or... more
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      Theatre StudiesDigital HumanitiesPublic ArtTransitional Justice
in Comique et politique chez les Modernes et les Anciens, Cahiers d’Artes, n°13
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      Theatre StudiesLaughterDario FoTheatre and Politics
Greek immigrants performing Shadow Theatre ("Karaghiozis")
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      ScreenwritingCultural StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
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      Greek LiteraturePostdramatic theatreElfriede JelinekMigration Studies
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      Theatre HistoryTheatre and Politics
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      French LiteratureFrench HistoryFrench StudiesPoetics
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      Russian StudiesRussiaTheatre and Politics
Gekürzter Auszug aus: Florian Malzacher. Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute. Berlin: Alexander Verlag, 2020.
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      Postdramatic theatreIdentity politicsPolitical theatreTheatre and Politics
„Dziady” (Forefathers’ Eve) as Mac Guffin. The play by Kazimierz Dejmek from the perspective of the cast of the film „Dziady” by Marek Drążewski
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Documentary FilmTheatre and PoliticsAdam Mickiewicz
This chapter interrogates the political dimensions of two contemporary adaptations of canonical Ibsen plays: Simon Stone's production of The Wild Duck (Belvoir Street, Sydney, 2012) and Thomas Ostermeier's An Enemy of the People (a work... more
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      IbsenTheatre and PoliticsAdaptations for the TheatreHenrik Ibsen Plays and Theory
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      Theatre and PoliticsPolish Theatre
Μέσα από ανέκδοτο αρχειακό υλικό, στο βιβλίο παρουσιάζεται το Κρατικό Θέατρο Θεσσαλονίκης που ιδρύθηκε στην Κατοχή (1943) και το Λαϊκό Θέατρο (1944) που το διαδέχθηκε.
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      Theatre HistoryTheatre and PoliticsHistory and Theory of the TheatreΙστορία Νεοελληνικού Θεάτρου
This paper explores workshop theatre in South Africa in the period  prior to the formation of a democratic state.
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      English LiteratureTheatre StudiesPolitics and LiteratureSouth African Literature
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      Ancient Greek tragedy, Narratology and ancient drama, Reperformances of ancient dramaAncient Greek ComedyTheatre and PoliticsDrama, Performance, History of Theatre
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      Theatre StudiesSex and GenderClassPolitical theatre
Resumen: Este ensayo se propone mirar el escenario teatral "culto" del teatro independiente y el escenario del teatro comunitario argentino en su articulación con la crisis/rebelión del 2001. Mientras el primero exhibe la desintegración y... more
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      Theatre StudiesResistance (Social)Contemporary TheatrePosmodernism
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      Dramatic LiteratureTheatre and PoliticsThe Committee of Union and Progress (1889-1908)The Second Constitutional Period in Ottoman Empire
This article discusses the ways in which the physical environment of urban centers in the European South has in the recent years borne witness to the multiple facets of crisis (social-political, financial and cultural) that has defined... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDirectingPostdramatic theatre
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Revue électronique fondée en 2016 et dédiée aux arts de la scène. URL : La revue a publié huit numéros depuis sa création : - Scènes du néomanagement (coord. Bérénice Hamidi-Kim et Armelle Talbot, 2016)... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary TheatreTheatre and PoliticsDrama and theatrical studies
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      Performing ArtsPolitical theatreTheatre and PoliticsMilo Rau
Glenn D'Cruz, ed., Class Act: Melbourne Workers Theatre 1987-2007 (Melbourne: The Vulgar Press, 2007) Class Act has been put together with care and concern for recording a particular history of the Melbourne Workers Theatre (MWT) over... more
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      SociologyTheatre StudiesLabour historyPolitical theatre
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      Contemporary TheatreTheatre and Politics
This essay explores the relationship between the artist the authoritarian state by introducing the concept of "art and counter-art". While art is simply defined as the artist's 'power of performance', in the words of Ngugi wa Thiong'o,... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesTheatre StudiesPolitical Theory
Key words: History and era, Resistance - Perspective, Power of Adaptations, Civil War, Collectivism and Individualism. The power of An Enemy of the people in the Iraqi and Kurdish Theatre a cross history. An Enemy of the People was set up... more
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      IbsenMidle East StudyTheatre and PoliticsMiddleEastern Studies
Born out of the movement which sought to rethink the role of the actor and give her the possibility to take a greater part in the actual conceptualization of a show, the Theatre du Soleil is still, twenty years later, considered a model... more
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      Women in FrenchModern Indian HistoryHélène CixousLe Théâtre du Soleil
El libro Teatro y estetica comunitaria , de Lola Proano Gomez, tiene la importante aportacion de vincular la perspectiva teatral y social, es decir, el conocimiento sobre el teatro comunitario desde los enfoques artisticos (estetica,... more
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      Theatre and Politicscomunity theatre argentinan theatre
This article seeks to stimulate a fresh and inter-disciplinary debate which revolves around the need to move from a ‘senseless democracy’ that is insufficiently attuned to the dilemmas and challenges of fostering meaningful political... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsDemocracyNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
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      French Revolution and NapoleonWomen warriorsSamuel Taylor ColeridgeBritain and French Revolution
A la atención de Yolanda Díaz, Ministra de Trabajo Estimada Ministra: Hace meses se instaló en mi barrio, y le hablo de Coia, en Vigo, una compañía de nuevo circo. Hace años que viene ha-ciéndolo con notable éxito de público, muy... more
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    • Theatre and Politics
This article seeks to stimulate a fresh and inter-disciplinary debate which revolves around the need to move from a ‘senseless democracy’ that is insufficiently attuned to the dilemmas and challenges of fostering meaningful political... more
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      Political ScienceDemocracyNew Models Of Participatory And Direct DemocracyPolitical Studies
This article is concerned with the European public theatre system’s relationship with migration. Focusing on the Portuguese theatre landscape and especially Lisbon, the essay will map some of the major issues regarding theatre and... more
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesRefugee Studies