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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
When they tell the story of the origins of financial instruments and markets, most financial historians begin in the Middle East, and go via the Mediterranean to the Northwest of Europe. Along the way financial instruments were... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryFinancial History (History)The Hansa League
History of relations between Novgorod and the Hansa
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMerchandisingNovgorod the Great
La ciudad de Lübeck fue fundada a mediados del s. XII por el Duque de Sajonia, Enrique III el León. Gracias a su posición estratégica entre los ríos Trave y Wakenitz, los privilegios concedidos, primero por el Duque y más tarde por el... more
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      SpanishMedieval HistoryHoly Roman EmpireHoly Roman Empire (History)
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Art ConservationMedieval ArtNorwayTechnical Art History, Conservation
En el anterior artículo, vimos como Lübeck tras ser fundada y dotada de privilegios, por Enrique III el León, Duque de Sajonia consigue expandirse diplomática y comercialmente hasta formar la llamada Liga Hanseática. Este articulo tiene... more
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      SpanishMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History17th Century Dutch Republic
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      Medieval EnglandChurch HistoryPre-Conquest Ancient MagyarsMedieval Hungary
There were only a few countries whose nobility did not take part in the campaigns of the Teutonic Order against the Lithuanians (Reisen). The popularity of these military actions reached its zenith in the second half of the fourteenth... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryCrusadesLate Medieval English History
Статья посвящена исследованию ряда важнейших аспектов истории новгородского веча XI-XV вв. С привлечением мало- или почти не привлекавшихся для изучения проблемы ганзейских документов на средненижненемецком языке рассматриваются... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesOld Rus'Novgorod the Great
The full book can be downloaded for free in high quality resolution: This second volume in the series collects papers from two workshops held at the University of Göt-tingen... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesMedieval StudiesAfrican HistoryMamluk Studies
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthThe Hansa LeagueMoldavieSeljuk Architecture In Byzantium
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      PiracyThe Hansa League
Until today scholars tend to denote every individual use of force at sea as „piracy“. In contrast, I want to advocate a general revision of our measures of understanding force and violence in pre-modern maritime history. By methodological... more
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      Maritime HistoryMaritime LawHistory of PiracyPiracy
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      история РоссииДревняя РусьThe Hansa Leagueархивы
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
This article examines the cultural and social dynamics of a multi-ethnic medieval town. Taking the lower town of Tallinn as a case study, this paper identifies the major urban ethnic groups living in the town and discusses their... more
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      Material Culture StudiesMedieval StudiesMigration StudiesThe Hansa League
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryBaltic Sea Region StudiesMedieval Economic and Social History
В статье представлены параллельные (на средненижненемецком и русском языках) версии послания в Новгород, составленных в Ревеле в 1425 г. Внимание привлекла идиома, не характерная для обычного формульного состава средневековых официаль-... more
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      PrayerNovgorod the GreatOld EnglishOld Russian Language El estudio de los escasos regímenes republicanos existentes en la Europa Moderna ha oscilado entre el protagonismo concedido a estos entramados políticos de... more
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      European HistoryPolitical TheoryEarly Modern HistoryRepublicanism
In Norway, pottery from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries is always imported and mostly concentrated in the urban centres. The few finds of pottery from this period in a non-urban context can, however, shed light on the spreading of... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)Norway
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      Accounting HistoryHistory of Medieval AccountingOld Rus'Medieval trade
En la Baja Edad Media) el Mar del Norte y el
Báltico se habían convertido en una sola
área económica bajo el control de las ciudades
alemanas) que se habían agrupado para ello en
una asociación de ciudades muy amplia)
la Hansa.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyArqueologia Medieval
The legal Statutes of the German merchants' yard in Novgorod the Great (Saint Peter's yard, in German Peterhof) – the foundation of Hanseatic trade in Russia during the 12th-16th centuries – are presented here in three pivotal versions... more
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      Commercial LawCodicology of medieval manuscriptsNovgorod the GreatMedieval Law
The now ruined Church of St. Mary was once a royal chapel and collegiate church situated on the sandy tongue of land that made up the southern end of Oslo. Its building history, from a small wooden church to a Gothic structure with a... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ScandinaviaArchaeology of Buildings
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      Public HistoryHistory of PiracyPiracyMittelalter-Rezeption
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAncient ShipwrecksShipwrecks
in: Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье. Автор и его источник: восприятие, отношение, интерпретация. XXX Юбилейные Чтения памяти чл.-корр. АН СССР В.Т.Пашуто. 17-20 апреля 2018 г. Материалы конференции. М., 2018. С. 189-195.
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      NovgorodNovgorod the GreatHanseatic LeagueThe Hansa League
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      Jewish MysticismSebastianismMessianismSephardic Studies
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      HistoryBaltic StudiesRussian HistoryOld Rus'
Medieval research in Estonia before the 1990s concentrated mainly on the history of peasants and agriculture. The new generation of historians who generally studied at the University of Tartu in the 1980s and 1990s substantially changed... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriographyMedieval urban history
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      Old Rus'NovgorodNovgorod the GreatHanseatic League
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesArchitectural HistoryHousehold Archaeology
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      Translation StudiesNovgorod the GreatOld Russian LanguageMedieval Law
Este trabajo estudia la expresión latina Nauigare necesse est; uiuere non est necesse. En primer lugar, se intenta establecer su tradición desde la primera aparición de la cita en el historiador Plutarco –quien la atribuye a Pompeyo–,... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteraturePopular MusicFernando Pessoa
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Monetisation and Commercialisation in the Baltic Sea, 1050–1450 explores the varied uses of silver and gold in the Baltic Sea zone during the medieval period. Ten original contributions examine coins and currencies, trade, economy, and... more
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      International TradeMoneyMiddle AgesViking Age
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      SlaveryMediterranean StudiesBarbary PiratesThe Hansa League
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBaltic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
W wyniku realizacji postanowień traktatu pokojowego kończącego wojnę trzynastoletnią między zakonem niemieckim a wspieranym przez stany pruskie Królestwem Polskim dotychczasowe władztwo zakonne w Prusach podzielone zostało na dwie... more
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      Economic HistoryBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of Prussia
The sea as perceived in the writings of the Gdańsk shipmaster Caspar Weinreich, 1461–1496 The records made by the Gdańsk shipmaster Caspar Weinreich, though they survive in vestigial form, reveal a fairly consistent view of the world as... more
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      Merchant networksHistory of MentalitiesThe Hansa LeagueHistory of City Gdansk
The author studies social and political conditions that defined the process of social disciplining in the Baltic towns. The aim of the text is to indicate whether a common, Hanseatic model of social disciplining was prevalent in the whole... more
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      HistorySocial HistoryThe Hansa League
The article is devoted to a study of Novgorodian social terms mentioned in the Opasnaia Gramota, a charter which secured the inviolability of ambassadors during their stays abroad; the charter dates from 1472. There are two extant... more
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      Charters and PaleographyNovgorod the GreatMiddle AgesMedieval Russia
This article argues that the dialect of the Norwegian city of Bergen lost the feminine gender already in the 13th or 14th century due to influence from the Middle Low German quantity system: Because Middle Low German, spoken in Bergen by... more
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      Old Norse LanguageScandinavian languagesLanguage contactThe Hansa League
In Norway, pottery from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries is always imported and mostly concentrated in the urban centres. The few finds of pottery from this period in a non-urban context can, however, shed light on the spreading of... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)Norway
As trust dwindles in public institutions, special economic zones and free cities will have an opportunity to introduce billions of people to new systems of transparent and accountable governance. Thousands of actual experiments in... more
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      Refugee StudiesCommercial Uses of Outer SpaceElinor OstromSpecial Economic Zones
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesMedieval ArchitectureDorpatBaltic Sea region
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      Russian HistoryOld Rus'BellsMedieval Chronicles