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Description of the decorated terra sigillata from Eastern Gaul, found during the excavation of a Roman period rural settlement.
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      Roman PotteryTerra Sigillata
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Terra SigillataAfrican red slip wareAco, Sarius, terra sigillata padana
The subject of the present study had as a starting point the need to establish chronological references, as precisely as it could, concerning the beginning of the Roman life at Noviodunum. Thus, the author uses as a reference the ceramic... more
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      Terra SigillataRoman Archaeology
En este estudio se ha tratado de hacer un estado actualizado de la cuestión sobre el itinerario y el comercio ejercido en la ruta que unía en la antigüedad el puerto de Carthago Nova con Complutum, el importante nudo de comunicaciones del... more
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      Terra SigillataArqueologíaArqueologiaGarum and salsamenta
Il volume sugli scavi del complesso “Novi Sad” a Modena, è il sigillo conclusivo ad una operazione di vasta portata dal punto di vista archeologico, che ha visto impegnata l’allora Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici... more
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      GeologySedimentologyLatin EpigraphyTerra Sigillata
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataLate Roman PotteryPeloponnese
The article is devoted to study of stamps on early-Byzantine red slip wares V-VI c. from the excavations of 2007-2008 of Bosporus lane in the city of Kerch (Crimea).
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      Roman stamped potteryTerra SigillataLate Roman PotteryByzantine Pottery
THE ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROMAN PERIOD PHASE C1 IN THE LIGHT OF SAMIAN WARE FINDS ON THE TERRITORY OF THE PRZEWORSK CULTURE. SUMMARY Samian ware belong to the group of important sources enabling to attempt reconstruction of contacts... more
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataRoman PeriodSamian Ware
Das Marschgebiet, das sich entlang der ganzen Wattenmeer-Küste der Niederlande und Deutschlands erstreckt, ist gekennzeichnet durch tausende Wohnhügel, die ab ca. 600 vor Christus als Schutz vor dem Meer aufgeworfen wurden. In Friesland... more
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman ceramics
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      Terra SigillataRoman ceramicsRoman Common WareRoman Amphorae
A little cartographic experiment in the footsteps of Greg Woolf's Becoming Roman, trying to identify the influence of increasing mobility on cultural change in early Roman Gaul.
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      Roman HistoryCeltic StudiesMobility/MobilitiesAnthropology of Mobility
Abstract This volume is dedicated entirely to the plain Italian Sigillata produced in the manufactory of Scoppieto, which was located in the middle Tiber Valley, in modern-day Umbria, and was active between the reigns of Augustus and... more
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      Roman EconomyTerra SigillataRoman trade, commerce and the economyCeramica Romana
In the years 2008-2010 rescue excavations were conducted on site 20 in Górzyca, Słubice county. During these works they discovered, among others, a biritual cemetery of Roman period. Among 85 graves one of the most interesting was a... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyTerra SigillataLate Roman PotteryRoman Period
The human settlement of the Pelagie Islands is marked by discontinuity from the prehistory to the modern era. The location of the islands in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea gives them a strategic relevance as a landing point along... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine Archaeology
The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPhoeniciansLevantine ArchaeologyLebanon
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      Terra SigillataRoman pottery workshopsSamian Ware
ÖZET Lykia Bölgesi'nin önemli limanlarından biri olan Andriake kentinde, 2009 senesinde başlatılan kazılarda, İ.S. 5.-6. yüzyıla ait bir sinagog yapısı ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Kazılar sırasında, yapının apsis bölümünün zemin altındaki, ana... more
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      Terra SigillataPergamonRoman ceramicsLykia
The "Dictionnaire des thèmes nominaux du gaulois - A Dictionary of Gaulish Nominal Stems. Vol. I Ab-/Iχs(o)-", Editions Les Cent Chemins, Paris 2019, 398 pp., 39€, is available at Amazon :... more
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      Celtic StudiesOnomasticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
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      Terra SigillataArchéologie gallo-romaine
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataCeramic StampsItalian Sigillata - Roman Pottery - Arretine decorated ware
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHellenistic History
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Roman PotteryRoman ArmyTerra Sigillata
Negli ultimi anni sono stati editi diversi gruppi ceramici dalla baia di Napoli (Pozzuoli, Napoli, Campi Flegrei), dall'area vesuviana e dalla Campania settentrionale. Questi nuovi dati dimostrano l'esistenza di officine ceramiche i cui... more
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      Terra SigillataCampaniaCeramica Dipinta a Bande RosseColour Coated Wares
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesRoman PotteryCeramics (Archaeology)
The excavations carried out on the area of the formar Cossar property at Aquileia, held by the Padua University, reported significant ammount of ceramics oginated from the so-called “Levantine” zones: from Cyprus, Cilicia and from the... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyLate AntiquityAncient Near EastTerra Sigillata
Neste trabalho pretendemos dar a conhecer os novos dados sobre a TSHT proveniente das unidades estratigráficas seladas das termas medicinais romanas de Chaves (Aquae Flaviae), O estudo apresentado faz parte do projecto de estudo e... more
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      Late AntiquityRoman PotteryCeramics (Archaeology)Late Roman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyTerra SigillataRoman ceramicsCeramica Romana
Textes réunis par Morgane Andrieu et Michel Kasprzyk Résumé : Gilles Sauron, archéologue, ancien élève de l’École normale supérieure, ancien membre de l’École Française de Rome, professeur d’archéologie à l’Université de Bourgogne puis... more
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      ArchaeologyTerra SigillataAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Paris
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)History of SexualityHistory of CollectionsRoman Pottery
From one of the most well-researched auxiliary fort and its adjacent vicus in Hungary, Intercisa, a total of 1137 pieces of terra sigillata fragments came to light during the rescue excavations conducted in 1967. The concerned area,... more
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    • Terra Sigillata
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      AlchemyCeramics (Art History)Terra SigillataMaterial Culture
- The deadline for the abstract submissions to the unguentarium symposium has just been prolonged to May 10, 2018. So, if anybody in your communities is planning to participate to this symposium, we are still able to accept them. -... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGreek History
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyArchaeology of ReligionLate AntiquityTerra Sigillata
Testo di G. Assenti tratto da "Pompei. Insula IX 8. Vecchi e nuovi scavi (1879-)", di A. Coralini; il volume, contiene contributi di D. Albertini, G. Asseni, M. Carra, M. Covolan, A. Curci, D. Esposito, A. Gaucci, M. Giglio, A.... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Roman PotteryTerra SigillataCeramica Romana
Análisis del municipio romano de Calagurris Iulia como centro receptor de las producciones de TSH procedentes del complejo alfarero de Tritium Magallum.
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      Terra SigillataArqueología romana / Roman archeologyCeramica Romana
The paper deals with the issue of Roman archaeological finds and assemblage in the Malá Haná region in the context of substantial strong Germanic settlement activities that had or may have had connections to the period of Marcomannic... more
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      Terra SigillataRoman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Roman Small Finds
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Roman EastRoman PotteryLate Roman Empire
Contents, preface and introduction
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)Terra SigillataAncient Egyptian History
2006-2008 yılları arasında Tralleis antik kentinin güneybatı yamacında yapılan kazılarda, Tralleis üretimi olan DSB (ESB) grubuna ait çok sayıda seramik ele geçmiştir. 2013 yılında bu alandaki çalışmalara devam edilmiş ve bir seramik... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyTerra SigillataAncient Caria
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      Terra SigillataBlack Sea regionRoman burial practicesBlack Sea Region Archaeology
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      Terra SigillataAfrican red slip ware
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyTerra SigillataMerovingian periodRoman rural settlements
ARNOLD, Elise & GARCÍA VARGAS, Enrique (2021) - In Viegas, Catarina & Bustamante-Álvarez, Macarena (eds.), South Gaulish sigillata in Southwest Hispania. Circulation and Consumption. Estudos & Memórias, 18. Lisboa: UNIARQ - Centro de... more
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      Archaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaTerra SigillataRoman ceramicsCeramica Romana
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataAncient jewelleryRoman Glass
Das vorliegende Buch ist eine Festschrift aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr. Johannes G. Deckers, dem ehemaligen Professor für byzantinische Kunstgeschichte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Der Band vereint... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyRoman Pottery
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    • Terra Sigillata
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      Survey ResearchTerra SigillataRoman GreeceBoeotian Studies
À l’époque augustéenne, les ateliers de céramiques fines du centre et du sud de la Gaule semblent suivre la même voie, voire s’influencer mutuellement par le biais d’échanges de vases ou d’artisans, lors d’une phase d’apprentissage et de... more
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      Terra SigillataRoman ceramicsAcculturation and romanization
The English edition of my PhD thesis (originally in Dutch, 1995) on the South Gaulish terra sigillata with potters' stamps from the site of the Roman fort at Bunnik-Vechten. In its final building phase from the late 2nd and 3rd centuries... more
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      Roman PotteryTerra SigillataSamian WareRoman Archaeology