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Both Millikan's brand of naturalistic analytic philosophy and Husserlian phenomenology have held on to teleological notions, despite their being out of favor in mainstream Western philosophy for most of the twentieth century. Both... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguagePhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
Is Maximus “European”? Is Maximus a “philosopher”? The two questions of our conference also entail the concomitant questions «what is Maximus’ contribution to Europe?» and “what is his contribution to philosophy?”. They might equally... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionTheology and Science
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      Computer ScienceQuantum TheoryTeleologyAI
Review of book by Sabina Lovibond
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      Virtue EthicsTeleologyPractical ReasonRecalcitrance
The antinomy of teleological judgment has increasingly been under­ stood as a conflict between regulative principles. But it is not clear why regulative principles can be in conflict at all, since Kant otherwise takes the realization that... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyImmanuel KantTeleologyCritique of Judgment
Benjamin Franks’ recent contribution to the field of anarchist political philosophy, what he calls ‘prefigurative or practical anarchism’, is introduced partly in response to the critique of ‘meta-narratives’ made by writers such as Todd... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsAnarchismAlasdair MacIntyre
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      Computer ScienceQuantum TheoryTeleologyAI
This paper is a short response to a paper by sociologist Pablo Shyfter, "Functions by Agreement." He argues that philosophers have been short-sighted in thinking about functions because they tend to approach the issue through a set of... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologySocial Studies Of ScienceTeleology
The Euthyphro objection is often perceived, rightly or wrongly, as the king objection to theistic meta-ethics. This paper proposes a response that hasn't been much explored within the contemporary literature, based on the metaphysics of... more
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      Natural LawMetaethicsDispositionsTeleology
In this essay I examine Kant's analogy with life from §65 of the Critique of the power of Judgment. I argue that this analogy is central for understanding his notion of a natural end, for his account of the formative power of organisms in... more
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      History and Philosophy of BiologyImmanuel KantTeleologyHistory of Life Sciences
Causa e effetto invertiti, entropia e sintropia, ordine e disordine, origine e scopo. Agli occhi della scienza il Tempo rimane ancora un enigma. Dall’America alla Russia passando per l’Europa, i misteri più affascinanti della quarta... more
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      PhysicsThermodynamicsPhilosophyBlack Holes
Aristotle’s key thoughts on teleology are found in Physics II.8-9. My aim here will be limited: to understand the way in which a final cause, something good, acts as a cause. Hypothetical necessity provides the logical structure of how... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyAristotleTheological Ethics
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      Science and ReligionTeleologyTeleological ArgumentsTheism
This is an earlier paper (1992), published in the journal of Ancient Greek philosophy, Apeiron. In de Anima Aristotle considers several candidate definitions aiming to answer the question, "What is a living thing?" And "What distinguishes... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEnvironmental PhilosophyAristotle
Teleology is the belief that some things happen, or exist, for the sake of other things. That, for example, people have eyes for seeing. That they read for pleasure. This volume explores the intuitive yet contested concept of teleology as... more
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      TeleologyHistory of Philosophy
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      TeleologyRobert AlexyDeontologyConstitutional Rights
The author first explains wisdom and its importance to moral philosophy. Secondly, he follows with a consideration of the nature of things and the soul as told by Lucretius. Then he presents a brief summary on St. Thomas understanding of... more
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      WisdomThomas AquinasHappinessThomism
W literaturze podkreśla się fakt, że Darwin sprzeciwiał się poglądom głoszącym nagłe stworzenie niezmiennych gatunków przez Boga. Wykazuję, że tworząc swoją teorię, odrzucał nie tylko koncepcję bezpośredniej Boskiej ingerencji, ale także... more
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      History of ScienceScience and ReligionNatural TheologyNaturalism
In the late 1720s and early 1730s, Christian Wolff writes a series of short treatises on general medical concepts such as health, disease, cause of disease, symptom, etc. The paper makes the claim that these texts should be considered as... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophy of MedicineChristian WolffTeleology
In this article I develop a metaphysical account of final causes grounded on contemporary powers metaphysics. After having presented some key elements of an Aristotle-inspired teleology, i.e., the study of final causes within Aristotelian... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMetaphysics of propertiesDispositions
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      History of SciencePhysicalismTeleologyHistory of Physiology
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      Philosophy of BiologyTeleologyMechanism
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This book defends an account of the self it calls the NEST (Narrative, Evaluative, Self-Constitutive, Teleological) theory. It argues that the self, rather than being a wholly given entity, at least in part “constitutes” or shapes itself,... more
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      Self and IdentityNarrativePhilosophy of ValueNarrative and Identity
For the climate movement to succeed, we must model the paradigm shift in consciousness that many of us have concluded is a prerequisite to societal change. That means replacing the scientific materialist worldview with a quantum worldview... more
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      Quantum PhysicsIndigenous StudiesClimate ChangeEcopsychology
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      EconomicsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyTheology
Platon'un idea'sı ve Aristoteles'in telos'u konu kent olduğunda aynı anlama gelir ve aynı amaca hizmet eder: Kent, ideal kent veya kent ideali için acımasızca dönüştürülür. Kentin maddesi insan, yeni form'a göre biçim verilecek önemsiz... more
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      Cultural StudiesIdealismTeleologyUtopia
This paper examines some ethical models or principles that ought to guide how accountability can be instituted and assessed. It is a philosophical probe into the rationale and moral foundations of accountability. We shall examine such... more
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"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPolitical PhilosophyAristophanes
Ontological Apology attempts to examine how our attitudes and interactions with work both as individuals and a society have shaped our culture. Whereas for the majority of the modern age we have shirked Ontology [being] for Epistemology... more
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      PhilosophySociology of WorkAristotleInner Alchemy
For many astronomers, the progressive development of life has been seen as a natural occurrence given proper environmental conditions on a planet: even though such beings would not be identical to humans, there would be significant... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleontologyHuman EvolutionPhilosophy of Biology
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"Rousseau: Ciudadano sin patria", aborda una de las principales inquietudes intelectuales de su autor, a saber, las implicaciones políticas del abandono del concepto teleológico de naturaleza. Al separarse las tendencias opuestas de... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyModernityRousseau
Worth noting, is that Wall-Romana relies heavily on biographical explanatory arguments for constructing his historiographical model and that this seems genuinely at odds with his over-zealous advocacy of post-structuralist methods such as... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer TheoryImmanuel KantCinema
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindTheologyPhilosophical Theology
Marx’s philosophy of history follows in the footsteps of Hegel’s; but he claims to criticize and reject Hegel’s idealism and develop a dialectical and materialist philosophy. However, many question how far he succeeds in this. They... more
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      MarxismHegelLouis AlthusserAlain Badiou
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      AristotleHistory of ScienceCausationPedagogy
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      TeleologyFilosofiaFarias Brito
Los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje se hallan relacionados con la finalidad de la educación. El método contribuye con la educación para alcanzar un principio básico de humanizar al hombre. Desde ahí, se entiende que el conocer sigue un... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleImmanuel KantTeleology
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      AtheismFriedrich NietzscheApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersTeleology
In this thesis I conduct exegesis on the Fifth Way of St. Thomas Aquinas. I begin by showing the historical and textual context of the argument, and proceed by providing my own translation and careful analysis. I argue that the Fifth... more
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      MetaphysicsThomas AquinasNatural TheologyTeleology
This paper concerns Hegel's early treatment of the productive imagination in his 1803-4 Faith and Knowledge. I show how he articulates that activity in terms of a pair of speculative unities, which solve lingering problems of... more
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      HegelSelf-KnowledgeGeorg Friedrich Wilhem HegelImagination
This is full text of the first part of my monograph "The logos of Heraclitus", published by Academic publishers "Nauka" in Saint-Petersburg in 2014, in English translation which contains all five chapters of the Introduction on... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPresocratic PhilosophyNatural LawAncient social & political philosophy
Vou aqui propor uma interpretação alternativa a de Fortenbaugh (2006) sobre a distinção entre homens e animais. Leituras nesta direção foram avançadas por R. Sorabji (1993) e J. Labarrière (2000), entre outros. Existem dois tópicos de... more
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      AristotleAnimal CognitionTeleology