Subnational Politics
Recent papers in Subnational Politics
This paper demonstrates how subnational government in Europe is aided by social media in their delivery of Government2.0
As a formerly colonized country, India takes very seriously the defence of its sovereignty and of its independence of action in the external realm as well as its identity as a Third World nation. These reasons contribute to its reluctance... more
Nas Relações Internacionais o conceito de Paradiplomacia foi abordado pelos professores Ivo Duchacek (1986) e Panayotis Soldatos (1990) embora o mesmo já era utilizado dentro da área de Direito Internacional, sendo concebida como uma... more
Argentina is a major producer of lithium, a vital mineral for making a transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy. Mining is concentrated in three Northwestern provinces, Catamarca, Jujuy, and Salta. Although they have shared... more
Resistencias sociales y legislaciones mineras en las provincias argentinas
Los casos de Mendoza, Córdoba, Catamarca y San Juan (2003-2009)
Los casos de Mendoza, Córdoba, Catamarca y San Juan (2003-2009)
Este artículo tiene como objetivo general contribuir al debate sobre las relaciones entre el Estado y la sociedad a nivel subnacional y se centra específicamente en el caso de Argentina. Para ello, desarrollamos dos objetivos específicos.... more
¿Cómo se ha transformado el Congreso mexicano con la democratización? ¿Quiénes toman las decisiones en las cámaras legislativas? ¿A quién representan nuestros representantes? ¿Quiénes y cómo controlan el comportamiento de los... more
Este artigo analisa a mudança na elite política tradicional em Rondônia, a partir do processo de transição Território-Estado. Fundado no início dos anos 1980, durante a crise do regime militar, o estado de Rondônia vivenciou sua primeira... more
Across many developing countries, the power sector persistently underperforms despite years of market reform efforts. India, where de facto responsibility for the power sector rests with subnational (state) governments, provides a useful... more
Paradiplomacy is generally referred to in the academic literature as the involvement of the constituent units (regions) of (multi)national states in international affairs. Examples of these meso units are the states in the United States,... more
Once acting as local representatives of the national government and content to let their larger counterparts do the ‘heavy lifting’, state and provincial governments are increasingly expected to be stewards of their economies and deliver... more
Tesis de Maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales, Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Septiembre 2014. El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio... more
Local governments are ubiquitous politico-administrative units that affect the lives of local communities in various aspects, particularly service delivery, taxation, and political participation. When citizens are enveloped in these... more
The existence of political families is a well‐known fact in Mexican politics. Since the early 20th century, national and subnational politicians in Mexico have been related to other politicians. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Mexico... more
The Democracy Cookbook: Recipes to Renew Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador is an innovative multi-disciplinary citizen engagement project. The 392 page book is a peer-reviewed collection of short and snappy, non-partisan opinion... more
Mexico provides significant insight into the modern challenges being faced by young democracies struggling to shed the remnants of their authoritarian past. Following some classic definitions from democratic theory, the country is best... more
El presente estudio contiene un breve análisis descriptivo de las buenas prácticas (BP) para el fortalecimiento de la gobernanza subnacional, relacionado con las acciones implementadas en tres áreas temáticas: a) descentralización y... more
The crisis of traditional images of manhood in Western cultures, the disruption of nation-state primacy, and the revival of self-determination movements in the aftermath of globalization and the rise of neoliberal policies have caused a... more
El libro concentra su interés en las políticas dirigidas a combatir la desigualdad, pobreza y exclusión social, considerando también el rol del Tercer Sector. Se prima un interés por analizar los programas de rentas mínimas de inserción... more
This document is the appendix to my doctoral dissertation in Politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz (2019). My dissertation identifies the determinants of sustained state service provision (SSSP) in subnational economic... more
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
Está coletânea apresenta os resultados do projeto de pesquisa intitulado Políticas Públicas em Goiás: diagnóstico, avaliação e proposição , que reuniu um conjunto de professoras/pesquisadoras, da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), além... more
Federalism and decentralized party and electoral rules have been an enduring feature of Brazilian democracy. The 1946 and 1988 Constitutions devolved substantial fiscal resources and policy authority to sub-national governments. Electoral... more