State And Local Public Finance
Recent papers in State And Local Public Finance
This paper aims to compare the pattern of own-tax collection and tax buoyancy of high and low-income states of India from 2001-02 to 2016-17. The study observed that the tax-to-GSDP ratio decreased in the high-income states. While it... more
This Statistical Brief is an ongoing effort of NALAS’ Fiscal Decentralisation Task Force to provide policy–makers and analysts with timely, accurate, relevant, reliable and comparable data on local government finance in South–East Europe... more
Un resumen del sistema tributario municipal ecuatoriano, los ingresos tributarios, de las cuentas por cobrar y de los desafíos para la mejora de la recaudación. Asimismo un análisis de la Municipalidad de Quito y Guayaquil.
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de 2015 yılında gündeme gelen ancak henüz yasalaşmamış olan Rant Vergisi'ni değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla konunun teorik temelleri araştırılmış ve İsviçre ile Avusturya örnekleri incelenmiştir. Ülke... more
Presentation of all public supports to cultural policies in Belgium. Written for the Ministry of the French-speaking Community of Belgium (MCF).
This book presents an in-depth analysis of key recommendations of the consecutive state finance commissions (SFCs) across states of India in the local and national perspective. It reviews the working of SFCs and their critical role in... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
En tant qu'outil, le C-PEM permet l'analyse du budget de l'Etat (BE), global ou partiel, en phase de programmation ou post-exécution, dans le but de mesurer les dépenses destinées/sensibles aux enfants et les désagréger par des dimensions... more
Since public sector reform initiatives, public accountability and transparency have advanced democracy and good governance on managing state finances. State financial management mechanism involves regional policies and fiscal... more
This is the abstract of the doctoral thesis titled "An Analysis of Budgets in India: Redefining the Fiscal Deficit of the Public Sector; 1980-2016" submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. The thesis is focussing on the... more
Eady European settlers were the key actors in a place-making exetcise that constructed an English-style landscape aesthetic on the colonial stage in the Cowpastures district of New South Wales. The aesthetic became part of the settler... more
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w połowie 2014 r., mających na celu identyfikację oczekiwań władz małych miast wobec polskiej państwowej polityki rozwoju lokalnego. Jako źródło informacji o tych oczekiwaniach wybrano... more
EN: In the context of large investment debts in local government infrastructure and unfinished fiscal decentralization, a local development impact fee was adopted into Slovak law 5 years ago. With its arrival, there was an increase in... more
The most drastic crisis since the Great Depression put a significant amount of stress on states' revenues. Within the existing framework of taxation systems', an increasing amount of attention from academics and politicians alike... more
Analisi comparata dei regimi di finanza regionale italiano e spagnolo attraverso lo studio dell'Emilia-Romagna, del Trentino-Alto Adige, della Catalogna e dei Paesi Baschi
This entry explains the rising popularity of the concept of financialization, despite it being considered a vague and chaotic concept. It also summarizes the wide-ranging multidisciplinary literature on financialization and makes a... more
The presented book is devoted to local development and its governance by forming, on the strategic level, the relationships connecting municipalities with supralocal, i.e. regional, national and global milieu. It is divided into five... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Budgeting is not only a technical process but also a highly political one because technique and discretionary judgement are intertwined, and different actors have different interests. Budgetary procedures can and should help to reduce... more
A Study on the problems related to augmentation of Own Source Revenue by Gram Panchayats of West Bengal, India.
In "The long shadow of the state: financializing the Chinese city" Fulong Wu reflects on the role of the state in financialization processes. The language of symbiosis, with key concepts such as mutualism, parasitism and commensalism, but... more
Esiste un diritto al panino? Esiste un diritto degli studenti di poter scegliere tra la mensa scolastica e il panino preparato a casa? Il TAR Piemonte dice di no. Is there a right to a sandwich? Is there a right of students to choose... more
The perspective of global climate change emerges as a significant political, economic, financial and social issue. Scientific researches show that the accumulated carbon dioxide (СО2), released by the industry and agriculture, together... more
How do we know whether a country suffers from vertical fiscal imbalance (VFI)? What should be done about it? Academic appreciation of these issues in general, and the nature of political behaviour in particular, both have major... more
Article History Keywords Public sector decay Economic implication Public financial management JEL Classification: H54; H00; H54 The study looks at the causes and economic implication of public sector decay with the aim to establish the... more
Despite the growing demand for infrastructure and social services resulting from urbanization and decentralization, many urban local governments in developing countries are failing to generate sufficient own revenues to meet this demand.... more
This paper argues that neither the developmental state nor market-preserving federalism models are applicable to contemporary China. Despite superficial similarities with elements of each model, the political economy of reform in China... more
El presente estudio realiza una caracterización de la GFP Subnacional en Argentina: Ingresos, la administración de los ingresos, los gastos, la coparticipación fiscal y la gestión de las inversiones públicas; todo ello ligado al proceso... more
Il saggio intende ripercorrere gli snodi fondamentali attorno ai quali si articolava la revisione contabile in Sicilia nei secoli dell'età moderna sia come controllo interno ordinario svolto a livello centrale dal Tribunale del Real... more
"The Industrial Development of Bengal, 1900-1939. By A. Z. M. IFTIKHAR-UL-AWWAL. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1982. pp. 256 (Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Advent Books, New York.) " PREFACE: The present work examines the... more
Research Purpose: School finance is not a new problem in the United States. It has been around and evolving since the beginning of public education. In the last three years in Texas there has been five legislative sessions to address... more
Република България и Република Северна Македония са държави с унитарно управление, а общините са единственото административно и териториално ниво на местно управление и в двете страни. Обособените местни териториални единици в България са... more
Целта на настоящата статия е да се изследват ролята и фискалното значение на данъка върху недвижимите имоти в България. Разгледани са характеристиките на данъка като един от найподходящите методи за акумулиране на ресурси на местно ниво с... more