Recent papers in Sprituality
This paper explores parallels between Native American ritual and Jewish, specifically Kabbalistic thought, from several perspectives, focusing on the very precise parallels between the structure of the Inipi or sweatlodge ceremony, and... more
The present study investigated the correlation between Spiritual Intelligence and Professional Quality of Life. Spiritual Intelligence is the talent to perform according to the information, while making sure internal and external... more
Do you have interest in Hinduism? Love the real old and Ancient Books Specially in Hindi pdf format. Then you are at absolutely right place. You can get here free Hindi Books to Download in PDF. We have a lot of book, some of which are... more
Music works as a transcending tool of wellness, lifestyle and attitude within humans. The effects of musical tunes on the human emotions are universal. This is the reason music play a vital role in all the petty, big activities performed... more
İnsanlığın Gizli Kökeni Ve Galaktik İnsan
Life among the traditional societies is guided by some strong belief systems and practices which sustained the natural balance. Such practices are well reflected in the lifestyle, livelihood pattern and many cultural elements of Idu... more
Introduction to Tantra-Sastra-Sir-John-Woodroffe-Arthur-Avalon
چرا قرآن این مقدس ترین کتاب مسلمین، با مفاهیم ابتدایی عقلانیت مدرن در تعارض است؟ آیاتی در قرآن هست که با بدیهیات علمی امروز بشر همخوانی ندارد. مثل ادعای هفت طبقه بودن آسمان. اصلا چرا خداوند باید به زبان عربی با انسان هم کلام شود؟ در این... more
“You are really fortunate to have a Guru which is a Mother. And My Mother and guru is this Mother Earth, which teaches Me how to deal with human beings. And She’s the one who also in every stage of difficulties helps Me to correct My own... more
Abstract Background: The connection between religion/spirituality and deviance, like substance abuse, was first made by Durkheim who defined socially expected behaviors as norms. He explained that deviance is due in large part to their... more
MS 2150 - Bir Makro Felsefe Klasiği
2150 AD-Thea Alexander
Çevirmen:Semra Ayanbaşı
Çağının Ötesinde Olan Kitap: M.S. 2150
2150 AD-Thea Alexander
Çevirmen:Semra Ayanbaşı
Çağının Ötesinde Olan Kitap: M.S. 2150
istanbul, 1986.
434 s.
kitap, 4.1.1961 de alınmaya başlayan bilgilerle oluştu, 1986 da ise 1. kitap olarak basıldı .
istanbul, 1986.
434 s.
kitap, 4.1.1961 de alınmaya başlayan bilgilerle oluştu, 1986 da ise 1. kitap olarak basıldı .
Human-created every Believe is philosophy. Philosophy comes from vision and is applied on space and time. Every philosophy is born out of vision. Every purpose is defined by vision and on the basis of vision, the explanation of "I" and... more
Salam sejahterah buat kita semua Alhamdulillahhirobbil alamin, segala puja dan pujian kita hanya kita tujukan kepada Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan ridho-Nya kepada semua Mahluk di semesta ini. Supranatural... more
With the emergence of the quantum world and the emerging weaknesses of the positivistic notion of science, post-modernism relativism emerged taking the world view that we constructed our own social reality. Thus, there are no such things... more
Setiap guru PAK dituntut memiliki kompetensi, yaitu pengetahuan, keterampilan dan nilai-nilai dasar yang direfleksikan dalam kebiasaan berpikir dan bertindak. Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru sesuai dengan UU Guru dan... more
Meditation, a technique that frees the mind from distractions and allows for communication with the Master Within, can lead to numerous physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Meditation is a unique state of consciousness with associated... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español, traducción del alemán).
The spiritual aspect must be considered in the care process because it directly affects the patient's healing quality. This study was developed to study the application of spiritual nursing care model in hospital. This research uses... more
21 lemurya enerji kavramı
This paper is an analysis of the song and music video “Mujer Maíz” (Maize Woman) by the Zapotec hip hop artist, Mare Advertencia Lirika. Mare makes a forceful anti-capitalist statement merging spirituality and ecofeminism to denounce the... more
The present article examines spirituality as an emergent new cultural category that challenges the binary opposition of the religious and secular realms of life. The article probes the cultural significance of the popular phrase... more
Pedagogista, femminista, modernista, teosofa, ambientalista, pacifista, spirito libero... ma chi è stata veramente Maria Montessori? La sua intensa vita ce la mostra come un'intellettuale libera da posizioni dogmatiche, desiderosa di... more
This study aims to discuss the process of self-purification in the Tablighi Jamaat and an attempt to shed light on how this Sufi ideological movement has increasingly gained popularity worldwide. Tablighi Jamaat is known as the... more
The text, drawn up with a historical-critical approach with an ecumenical slant, set itself the goal of punctually examining the major magisterial documents of the Roman Catholic Church in which the Eastern churches were protagonists. The... more
Kesukaran dan perubahan dihadapi ketika ini akibat pandemik Covid 19 telah memberi kesan kepada struktur kehidupan fizikal manusia malahan lebih teruk di peringkat emosi individu. Justeru, pengukuhan kerohanian diperlukan bagi menyumbang... more
“There’s hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness… A table descends to your tent, Jesus’s table. Expect to see it, when you fast, this table spreads with other food better than the broth of cabbages.” — Mevlana J. Rumi (1207 –... more
Decenario al Espíritu Santo: El Decenario al Espíritu Santo puede considerarse hoy un clásico de la literatura espiritual. Fue publicado por primera vez en Salamanca el año 1932. Son muchas las personas a quienes estas páginas han... more
The story of my personal search for meaning and for God.
Güzel F.Ö., Sariyildiz A. , "From Spiritualism to a New Paradigm in Tourism: Spiritual Tourism and Motivations", in: Spiritual and Religious Tourism: Motivation and Management, Downson R. Yakuq M. Razaq R. , Eds., CABI, Oxfordshire,... more
Abstract— Rational Intelligence helps us take logical decisions while emotional and spiritual intelligence can be blended together in a beautiful way. IQ and EQ have given a way to Spiritual Intelligence, which is considered as the base... more
A practice prevalent in parts of the Muslim world stipulates that a divorced wife is eligible to return to her husband if both husband and wife so desire, but ONLY AFTER she marries another person and after that person divorces her. This... more
Today's human being becomes more and more individualist. Every single person finds himself very special and different than the rest of the humanity and expects everyone else and everything to act accordingly. This type of individualistic... more
XIII Seminario del Desierto -- Desierto de Las Palmas (Benicàssim, Castellón, España/Spain) - 31 march to 2 april 2017 (weekend) Centro de Espiritualidad "Santa Teresa" del Desierto de Las Palmas Tel. 964300786 -- e-mail:... more