Sound Art
Recent papers in Sound Art
What Lies Beyond the Darkness investigates how a creative sound and land-based art practice can position humans as an active part of any given ecological system; equal to ‘other’ natural and non-human co-habitants. This practice-based... more
Based on the author's artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, The Nomadic Listener is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations of contemporary cities, including... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
I have been working in the field of radio art, and through creative practice have been considering how the convergence of new media technologies has redefined radio art, addressing the ways in which this has extended the boundaries of the... more
El tratamiento y la exploración de los aspectos espaciales y dimensionales del sonido y su cuestionamiento, es un objetivo para la experimentación e investigación creativa con los elementos sonoros, convirtiéndose así en procedimientos ya... more
This project presents a model to sonify data. It uses a multichannel audio system to create a spatial illusion of the presence of the sound source. This in order to present with a way of translating information from other domains into... more
The field of electroacoustic presents a number of potential challenges to assumptions about what Western art music is: as John Cage noted as early as 1937, it opens up the entire field of sound as musical sources. Barry Truax states that... more
This paper provides a brief survey of composition in which field recordings or other referential sounds are transcribed for acoustic instruments. Through a discussion of how electroacoustic music and scholarship has conceptualised the... more
We take stock of engagements occurring between ‘music’ and ‘environment’ and what this heralds for current and future music making and musicology. We consider ve contemporary and emerging elds of interest that variously connect these... more
Творча діяльність із використанням звукових технологій в сфері музичного мистецтва є об’єктом усе більшого числа досліджень. Утворена розвитком технологій та сучасних мистецьких практик така форма людської творчості втілюється у різних... more
Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions, Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions and the Cosmic Dust Web Orchestra are pioneering and visionary projects by artist Tomás Saraceno that fold his long-term research on spider webs into the realm of... more
It is noticeable that Square Victoria is a vivid public space with special characteristics that make it different from the other athenian squares. The characteristics that I focus on are; the fragmentation of square, meaning the creation... more
“Divinazioni/Divinations” the artist in residence program born in 2012 in Sicily and curated by Giusi Diana, arises from the need to combine contemporary art, archeology, visual and aural landscape, aesthetic and technological... more
Magz Hall introduces us to one of her recent works, Tree Radio, an out-door installation developed during a residency at and for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Born in 1964, Pierre Jolivet aka Paciic 231 is a French artist living in Ireland. He has been composing music for a long time, has released a huge number of pieces and recordings and adopted a wide, ever-changing and evolving range of... more
The definition of sonification has been reframed in recent years but remains somewhat in flux; the basic concepts and procedural flows have remained relatively unchanged. Recent definitions have focused on the objective the important uses... more
Carnet de notes, sons et écoutes impromptus
This essay introduces a large and diverse special issue on 'The Acoustics of Justice: Law, Listening, Sound'. Until recently the acoustic dimensions of law and justice were not a major concern in the academy, either in self-consciously... more
The author’s artistic experiment The Hearing Test focuses on detection of high frequency clicking sounds that are emitted by the tips of plants’ roots. Scientists have claimed that plants’ roots produce high frequency clicks between 20... more
Como sabemos, hay muchas vertientes desde las que podríamos aproximarnos al ámbito de la creación sonora en el territorio urbano. Estas varían en función del objetivo que se persigue, de la estructura que adoptan para alcanzarlo como... more
Sounding Madness: The Ethics of Listening in Janet Frame's Faces in the Water is a transdisciplinary sonic exploration of the historical, cultural, and theoretical concerns surrounding electroshock's (AKA electroconvulsive therapy or ECT)... more
Installer l'écoute Composer des paysages Cadre Paysages, environnements, milieux et territoires sonores, esthétiques et sociabilités Expériences-écrire/écrire/parcourir Le soundwalking, marcher, écouter Rapports kinesthésiques à l'espace... more
Ressources de festivals consacrés à la création sonore
Ensayo libre sobre el sonido y la catástrofe, realizado en el marco de la asignatura sobre arte sonoro coordinada por José Luis Sarmiento y Javier Ariza en el programa de doctorado Nuevas prácticas artìsticas y culturales en la esfera... more
Does a city project a certain inner character within the subjective auditory perception of the listener’s experience of its complex sound environment? This paper examines the artistic processes involved in the author’s recent composition... more
An audio paper on H e (a) r; a soundscape connected to ecology, acoustics and embodiment, drawing on encounters and what happens in the connection. A fluctuation between hear-here-her*-her. Originating in a work for the ensemble Nordic... more
Taking the term soundscape as a starting point, this essay by José Manuel Berenguer addresses a number of concerns relevant to understanding the listening experience within art and everyday life. Tackling questions such as phenomenology,... more
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
Tracciare le possibili traiettorie di autorappresentazione attivate dall'ascolto per indagare i confini identitari, scoprire le storie che il territorio conserva e svela attraverso le pratiche quotidiane, attraverso le tracce sonore che... more
Mikrofony zbierają więcej, niż chcielibyśmy przyznać. W nagraniach odbijają się nasze pragnienia i sprzeczności. Refleksja o field recordings – o słuchaniu „na faktach” – nie mogła trafić na dogodniejszy moment. Wygląda na to, że świat... more
"Abstract: Who has the right to make the most noise in the world? The churches’ bells in the old times, the loudspeakers in Hitler’s era, planes taking off in the airports, police sirens, rock bands? In a world where background music... more
Verschiedene Modelle von generativer Installation und Komposition mit Feedback Prinzipien
Short essay about meteorology, opera and theatre noise machines, for the liner notes of Bad Weather Long Play by Lithuanian composer Arturas Bumsteinas,
A summer colony organised under the title International Artists’ Meetings and International Visual Artists’ Meetings in Vela Luka in 1968, 1970 and 1972, regularly questioned different means of creative expression. The first edition of... more
composing sonic matters.
slides from the talk I did at NTT (communication science laboratories)
composing sonic matters.
slides from the talk I did at NTT (communication science laboratories)
During the heat of 1969s fraught political climate, editors of the legendary multi-media magazine “SOURCE: Music of the Avant Garde” invited 20 innovative composers and musicians to respond to a single question: “Have you, or has anyone,... more
The article argues that if a sound artist while exploring a city as a site for artistic research does not remain a listener but instead registers his or her presence in the phenomenological development of the artwork by intervening and... more