Recent papers in Solutrean
The last investigations made during the excavation of the different levels at this important site to study the solutrean in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, have permited us to make some precisions on its chronostratigraphic... more
Abstract The archaeological excavation of the Puente de los Tres Ojos site, next to Cerro Negro Street (Madrid), has provided new data that has allowed us to go in depth into the human settlement and the palaeoenvironmental... more
The aim of this paper is to critically examine the validity of the Solutrean Hypothesis using an optimal foraging lens. While much of the evidence cited by the hypothesis' originators revolves around the lithic similarities between Clovis... more
Proponents of a Solutrean colonization of the New World, and a pre-LGM occupation of North America's Mid-Atlantic region, cite as evidence a bifacially flaked, bi-pointed stone blade allegedly dredged from the continental shelf by the... more
The variability in laurel leaf point morphology and the shaping and sharpening tech-niques utilized on them are examined. Both intra-and inter-regional Solutrean group differences are studied, using data obtained from recent excavation... more
At the end of the upper Solutrean, a specific cultural group, the Salpetrian, appears in Languedoc (France) around 19000 BP. Named in 1964 after the type-site of La Salpêtrière cave (near the « Pont-du-Gard » roman bridge), the Salpetrian... more
The comparison between an experimental framework and the spatial analysis and technological reconstruction of the lithic production at the site of Les Maîtreaux suggests that no major post-depositional process affected the site since its... more
The variability in laurel leaf point morphology and the shaping and sharpening techniques utilized on them are examined. Both intra- and inter-regional Solutrean group differences are studied, using data obtained from recent excavation... more
This article summarizes the main results of research that aims to reconsider the nature and status of the Badegoulian phenomenon. In France, the second part of the Upper Paleolithic witnessed an abrupt change in the development of... more
Le niveau supérieur du gisement solutréen récent de plein air de Landry constitue un remarquable témoignage des activités domestiques et cynégétiques réalisées au bord de l'Isle. Ce travail de Master II a pour objectifs d'apporter de... more
Disons-le sans détour, avant de poursuivre plus avant notre propos : l’ouvrage que nous tenons entre nos mains est appelé à devenir une référence.
This paper deals with the study of the shouldered point of Mediterranean type, coming .from the Upper Evolved Solutrean levels of "La Cueva de Ambrosio" (Almería, Spain). This type of projectile points are characterized from morphological... more
En el presente trabajo se observan los patrones de subsistencia existentes del Solutrense y el Magdaleniense de la cornisa cantábrica, para ello se ha escogido esta región por la abundancia de datos arqueozoológicos. Con este estudio se... more
The open-air Solutrean site of Les Maitreaux (Bossay-sur-Claise, Indre et Loire): an original lithic production type. The results obtained since 1 994 at the site of Les Maitreaux, located near an outcrop of abundant, high-quality flint,... more
El Solutrense es pródigo en la invención de piezas líticas con una significativa carga de información técnica, a la vez que su peculiar reparto por la geografía, en un momento climático y con una distribución de la población europea... more
Se describen los conjuntos de industria lítica correspondientes con las distintas ocupaciones del yacimiento de Arlanpe. Se ofrece una descripción de las estrategias de organización tecnológica, teniendo en cuenta las modali- dades de... more
Resumen de las intervenciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento paleolítico de la Cueva del Arco (Cieza, Murcia).
La punta de aletas y pedúnculo (PAP) es uno de los elementos característicos del Solutrense extracantábrico. Su morfología contribuye a plantear la hipótesis de que se hayan utilizado como punta de flecha para arco. Sin embargo, hasta la... more
This paper deals with the study of the possible origin of prehistoric archery during the Upper Solutrean in Mediterranean Iberia. From analysis of the light arrowheads of the Extracantabrian Solutrean (barbed and tanged point and the... more
Abstract : The solutrean workshop of Coustaret (Saint-Martin, Hautes- Pyrénées). Located in the South of Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), a new open air Solutrean site has been recently discovered by foot survey. It differentiates from a wide... more
This study of perverse fracture among lithic bifaces combines experimental archaeology, statistical analysis, and archaeological specimen data to provide insight into prehistoric lithic reduction strategies. Experimental bifaces were... more
This paper deals with the study of the laurel leaves, coming from the Upper Solutrean at Cueva de Ambrosio. This type of projectile points are characterized from morphological, typometrical and technological parameters. A theoretical... more