Social Indicators
Recent papers in Social Indicators
Health is a fundamental component of well-being. Children's health affects their ability to succeed in school and engage in other learning opportunities within the contexts of their family, neighborhood, and community. This brief examines... more
O pequizeiro fornece frutos tradicionalmente utilizados na culinária goiana e regiões do bioma Cerrado. Partindo da análise da comercialização de pequi na Central de Abastecimento de Goiás S/A (Ceasa - GO) e em feiras locais (Ipameri e... more
Financial fragility is recognized as a substantial issue for individual well-being. Various estimates show that between 46 and 59% of American adults are financially fragile and thus vulnerable in terms of their well-being. We argue that... more
The current literature on the campaigns of political marketing is based on mass communication. However, the online community introduces new opportunities, one of them is captology. As a part of captology, the persuasive strategies take... more
The present study evaluated the subjective happiness of Lebanese college youth using a multi-item rather than a single-item subjective happiness measure. An Arabic translation of the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) was administered to... more
We build on the argument that measurement of digitalization is essential for effective public policy strategies in order to to govern digital transition. Developing this argument, we investigate the five principal dimensions of the... more
Report of a joint project between Vera Institute of Justice, UNDPKO, and UNOHCHR presenting indicators for the use of measuring compliance with rule of law principles, especially in emerging democracies. Dr. Rosga contributed pro bono... more
Purpose: This review evaluates howtheory-driven models of health-related qualityof life (QoL) take into account themethodological and conceptual problemsbesetting the field. Methodology: 68 modelsformulated from 1965 to 2001 (60% of... more
Este texto tem o objetivo de apontar como essas funções “evidenciadoras” das Estatísticas foram funcionais à constituição do Estado de Bem-Estar Social ao longo dos últimos 100 anos e como a deslegitimação dele, no contexto atual de... more
L’heure, la qualité d’un restaurant, la température, le taux de chômage, le QI, la durée d’un entrainement, la réussite d’un lycée, la richesse, une côte de popularité... Il semble impossible d’échapper aux chiffres ! Mais à quoi... more
The aim of this study is to validate the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish versions of the self-administered MacNew Heart Disease Health-related Quality of Life questionnaire in patients with ischemic heart disease. The MacNew questionnaire,... more
In this paper, I present a framework to simultaneously assess the accessibility provided by a transport-land use system and the potential mobility provided by the transport system. This framework provides a novel approach to identify... more
Citation: Malek, J.A.; Lim, S.B.; Yigitcanlar, T. Social Inclusion Indicators for Building Citizen-Centric Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2021, 13, 376. Abstract: Despite the rhetoric of "citizen-first,"... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
A representative sample of undergraduate and postgraduate international students at a large Australian university (n = 979, 64% females) completed a mail-back survey examining their perceptions of social connectedness. Four aspects of... more
Resumen Este artículo se ubica en el marco de una investigación sobre Buen Vivir (Sumak Kawsay), propuesta de la cosmovisión andina al desarrollo. En la bús-queda de su operativización, en este artículo se revisan diferentes indicadores e... more