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      Roman social historyRoman EmpireAugustan PrincipateGreek and Roman School and Education
The references to the cult of Vesta included in numerous excerpts of Seneca the Elder’s collection of Controversiae offer a proof of the technical competence of declaimers in recalling the conditions prescribed by pontifical law for being... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman ReligionAugustan Principate
This paper focuses on the portrait of Miltiades in the sources between 4th cent. B.C. and 1st A.D., thus after Herodotus and before Plutarch and the Second sophistic. After the first paragraph, devoted to an introduction to the issue, the... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCiceroAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
In the first decades of the fifteenth century, Alonso of Cartagena assumed the task of translating quite a few works written by or attributed to Seneca. One of them is the so-called Copilación, which is a romance version of a selection of... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesSeneca the elderFifteenth and Sixteenth century cultureSpanish Humanism
Introduction to the volume Reading Roman Declamation - Seneca the Elder (OUP 2020)
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      RhetoricDeclamationSeneca the elderRoman Declamation
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      RhetoricDeclamationQuintilianLatin Rhetoric
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      Seneca the elderAncient Roman RhetoricRoman DeclamationCalpurnius Flaccus
Seneca the Elder is the author of a collection of rhetorical extracts aimed to preserve from oblivion the traces of the most outstanding declaimers of his time. Although he claims to rely exclusively on his memories in composing his... more
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      CiceroDeclamationSeneca the elderLatin Declamation
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      SenecaValerius FlaccusOvidHorace
Oratory and rhetoric are the most appropriate fields to test the lexical specialization of the verbs declamo and recito: declamo describes preparatory exercises of oratory itself; on the opposite hand, recito is referred to the reading of... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRhetoricOratory
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      SenecaHerodotusSeneca the elderRoman Declamation
History and characteristics of oratory and rhetoric in Rome. Translation with commentary of Cic. Mur. 60-68; Cael. 33-35; In Pis. 26-33; Mil. 90-91; Phil. 2, 68; De orat. 1, 149-159; 3, 132-136; Sen. Contr. 7, 8, 7-11; Quint. 1, 10, 1-11;... more
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroQuintilianTacitus
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsGreek ComedyPlato
Around the first half century B.C. the first Roman school of philosophy arose, which was called School of Sextii. The known members of the School were: Quintus Sextius the Elder, founding father of the School, Sextius Niger, Quintus' son,... more
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      SenecaAncient PhilosophyLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaLate Roman Republic
Abstract Il saggio intende offrire riflessioni utili a iniziare una nuova messa a punto del concetto di ambiente e paesaggio nel mondo classico e in particolare in Seneca, soprattutto in relazione al concetto attuale di 'rispetto... more
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      Landscape EcologyClassicsLatin LiteratureSeneca
Un miracolo postumo di Cicerone. sull'epigramma di Tullio Laurea;
La morte di Cicerone in due epigrammi di Marziale
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      Latin LiteratureHistory and Classical tradition studiesM. Valerius MartialisCicero
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      Roman LawSeneca the elderRoman DeclamationGreek and Roman declamation
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      Roman HistoryRhetoricSeneca the elderRoman Declamation
On Open Access at This paper examines the sources and methods of Appian and Cassius Dio and the likelihood that they used the Histories of Seneca the Elder as a source. It also considers the... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioSeneca the elderAppian of Alexandria
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      Latin LiteratureCallimachusLucanOvid
Seneca's tragedies are full of astronomical details. The astronomical pattern in these dramas has not only an ornamental fuction but it's also very important for the critical interpretation of the text. My thesis presents a catalogue of... more
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaManiliusLatin Literature (in Classics) - Seneca
Analisi di alcuni stilemi tipici della declamazione latina (e greca)
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      RhetoricDeclamationSeneca the elderAncient Roman Rhetoric
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      DeclamationSeneca the elderRoman DeclamationCalpurnius Flaccus
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      Natural LawStoicismDeclamationSeneca the elder
I Analysis of two epigrams ascribed to Seneca (1 and 41 Prato) on time, active life and contemplative life; remarks on Seneca’s attitude towards poetry and on the problematic coexistence of Stoic moral rigorism and the allegedly... more
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      SenecaLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philologyLatin Literature (in Classics) - Seneca
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      Ancient HistoriographyAugustineAgeismOvid
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      CiceroSeneca the elderRoman politicsRoman Declamation
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetrySenecaVergil
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      DeclamationSeneca the elderLatin Declamation
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      Seneca the elderAncient Roman RhetoricRoman DeclamationLaudatio Funebris
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      Seneca the elderRoman Declamation
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      RhetoricDeclamationSeneca the elderLatin Declamation
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      DeclamationSeneca the elder
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      SenecaDeclamationSeneca the elderSeneca's Tragedies
This chapter focuses on reconstructing the portrait of Cicero as a humorist. Through a literary path from Seneca the Elder to Francesco Petrarca this paper will deal with a contrast: the opposition perceived by some authors between the... more
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The paper focuses on Seneca the Elder's Controversia 10,5. The text concerns the charge to the painter Parrhasius of torturing to death an Olyntian slave that had served as a model of a Prometheus. The interests of declaimers highlight... more
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      DeclamationLatin RhetoricSeneca the elderRoman Declamation
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      Seneca the elderRoman DeclamationGreek and Roman declamation
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      Classical rhetoricCiceroPseudo-DionysiusDeclamation
La diversité de l’univers du jardin n’échappe pas aux juristes romains. L’étude des dispositions juridiques relatives aux limites du jardin met en évidence la spécificité et la complexité de cet espace. Deux configurations juridiques sont... more
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      Roman LawGarden HistorySeneca the elderGreco-Roman World
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      SenecaQuintilianSeneca the elderSeneca's Tragedies
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      Roman LawSeneca the elderRoman DeclamationGreek and Roman declamation
Situated at the crossroads of rhetoric and fiction, the genre of declamatio offers its practitioners the freedom to experiment with new forms of discourse. This volume places the literariness of Roman declamation into the spotlight by... more
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      DeclamationLatin RhetoricSeneca the elderLatin Declamation
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      Seneca the elderRoman DeclamationGreek and Roman declamationpseudo-Quintilianus
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      DeclamationQuintilianSeneca the elderAncient Roman Rhetoric
For almost six centuries the culmination of any young Roman citizen’s education was the school of rhetoric: here, under the guidance of a professional rhetorician, he would spend his teenage years learning how to devise and deliver... more
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      Disability StudiesBlindnessDeclamationSeneca the elder