Recent papers in Semiotics
В статье рассматривается сходство между теорией построения метафор, описанной в трактате Э. Тезауро «Подзорная труба Аристотеля» и визуально реализованной в сюите офортов Дж. Б. Брачелли “Bizzarie di varie figure”. Согласно рассуждениям... more
Complete list and full citation of all publications by Richard L. Lanigan up to February 2016.
The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says the text, or what are the possible external— societal, individual, and historical—effects on the text. Instead, it is mainly interested in... more
Obiettivo del presente capitolo è riflettere sulla correlazione tra valorizzazioni semantiche e investimenti estesico-passionali nei processi di produzione del senso simbolico
Jordan, Mandy M. Building Resiliency: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Trauma-Affected Community of Santa Fe, Texas. Master of Science (Applied Anthropology), August 2021, 205 pp., 2 tables, 15 figures, 8 appendices,... more
Article based on a presentation given at the Thomas Latinus - Thomas Graecus. Thomas Aquinas and His Reception in Byzantium International Conference held at the Hellenic Library of Athens (Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center) in Dec. 15-16... more
The following essay will look at the issue of neologisms and the ‘chains of Equivalences’ as well as ways of attaining jouissance in James Joyce’s book “Ulysses”. The vast amount of neologisms, syllogisms, allusions, which are utilized... more
La Barcarolle op. 60 de Chopin fait partie de la dernière période créatrice du compositeur, également appelée « dernier style ». Cette œuvre a suscité de très nombreuses interprétations dans la littérature musicologique, mais l’objet de... more
In philosophy, there is an as yet unresolved discussion on whether there are different kinds of kinds and what those kinds are. In particular, there is a distinction between indifferent kinds, which are unaffected by observation and... more
This book is dedicated to the great John Deely (d. 2017), a dear friend and colleague whose research in the theory and history of semiotics is unsurpassable. His work is a lasting inspiration for generations of students to come, in... more
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
"Nata per sostituire alla violenza fisica l’efficacia della comunicazione, la retorica è oggi molto conosciuta per le scuole che hanno fatto la sua storia e studiata dal punto di vista della classificazione delle figure, ma svilita nella... more
how do I know what the photograph I’m perceiving means? Why, facing certain images, do I feel scared and, with others, calm? Can I anticipate —or even manipulate— how people will react and understand the photographic image? Is the... more
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
Examines the literary topos of dawn, the "Alba," in Persian poetry in comparative perspective, first considering the Alba poem in medieval Provencal lyric in southern France and northern Italy, establishing how the theme of the parting of... more
What is meaning-making? How do new domains of meanings emerge in the course of child’s development? What is the role of consciousness in this process? What is the difference between making sense of pointing, pantomime and language... more
Resumen El siguiente artículo presenta el examen y la confrontación de dos modelos teórico-metodológicos para el análisis de los productos de los medios de comunicación social cuya atención se concentra especialmente, en la televisión. Se... more
This study has been conducted to analyze how Self (Iranians) and the Other (non Iranians) have been represented in the Persian novels written in the last 50 years. The main question of the present research is "how Iranians and... more
Semiotics is the realm of research that studies sign as an important part of cultural life and message. During the semiotics, we can identify the culture and its reality by an explanation of sign, during the system of signification.... more
Despite the popularity that the embodied cognition thesis has gained in recent years, explicit memories of events personally experienced are still conceived as disembodied mental representations. It seems that we can consciously remember... more
According to Ian Bent, “musical analysis is the reduction of a musical structure in several components […] and the research of functions of these components inside the structure”. It is in this wide analytical context that my research... more
In questo lavoro è stata svolta una ricerca parallela tra cinema e canzone in Italia: film e canzoni sono stati considerati come prodotti culturali, oggetti intermediali, forme artistiche e categorie estetiche che entrambe concorrono alla... more
Robin Fuller Rick Griffin was a leading figure of the psychedelic design movement in late 1960s San Francisco. This paper argues that although not an overt theorist, in his lettering for posters and comic books, Griffin reveals aspects of... more
This thesis focuses on a particular stylistic period of Frederic Chopin. The 1840s show an important evolution of Chopin’s musical language and correspond to an aesthetic turning point, characterized by a difficult historical and... more
La musica si offre al nostro orecchio e al nostro esserne gli interpreti bilanciando sempre quelle che sembrano essere le sue due qualità distintive e contrapposte: l’ineffabilità e la capacità di comunicare sensazioni, atmosfere, storie... more
Past literature has indicated the need for addressing information security from both the social and technical perspective. However, previous research has lacked in providing any clear direction for how these two perspectives can be... more
Вводятся базовые понятия семиотики: понятие коммуникативного акта, понятие знака и понятие знаковой системы. Знак определяется как разновидность цепочки моделей объекта. Подробно рассматривается структура простой знаковой системы -... more
Bireylerin tüketim alışkanlarının şekillenmesinde, reklamların belirli ölçülerde etkili olduğu, kabul edilen bir gerçektir. Ancak ciddi bir seçmen kitlesi, "reklamı iyi olduğu için siyasi bir partiye oy verilebilir" şeklinde bir düşünceye... more