Roman roads
Recent papers in Roman roads
A combination of LiDAR satellite imagery, aerial photography, ground observations and excavation has provided evidence for the course of a Roman road both east (where a stretch of the road has been known since the 1950s) and south-west of... more
Culver Archaeological Project (CAP) organised a series of geophysical surveys in the late summer of 2013 using the magnetometer . At Cowlease CAP wanted to continue to trace the 'Culver' Roman road south towards Offham. The road when... more
Magyarország egyik legrégebben és folyamatosan lakott települése a mai Szombathely, az ókori Savaria (Colonia Claudia Savariensium). Savaria római alapítású colonia, azaz Rómával azonos polgárjogi státusszal rendelkező városként Claudius... more
La dificultad de identificación y el poco acierto en la asignación cronológica y cultural de los caminos antiguos que en España se viene padeciendo, ha venido siendo consecuencia del desconocimiento de las técnicas empleadas por los... more
Claudius I was Roman emperor from 41- 54 CE. As emperor he greatly expanded the Roman Empire's infrastructure.
La vía romana de la que se trata aquí no había sido publicada nunca como una entidad única, ni se conocían de ella vestigios estructurales de entidad. Teníamos alguna noticia vaga, a través de Blas Taracena, en la que nos habla de una... more
Archaeological and historic survey on Roman evidences in ancient Po Delta near Ferrara (Cisalpine Gaul, Aemilia) from 1. to 5. century A.D. In 413 A.D. is the astrological birthday of Ferrara according to Renaissance astrology.
The article presents some of the preliminary results of the project Carta Archeologica del Comune di Nettuno, conducted by the Groningen Instituut of Archaeology (GIA). Surveys within the borders of the community of Nettuno show the... more
"Las obras de ingeniería romana se caracterizan entre otras cosas por responder a una geometría muy cuidada. Las carreteras tienen, cuando el terreno es propicio, alineaciones largas y precisas, sus pendientes son suaves. Las ciudades y... more
The paper is dedicated to a new beneficiary inscription from the Roman province of Dalmatia found in Kifino Selo, near Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska). It is executed on the front of a limestone altar with a widened... more
Gensis представља прву станицу на римској комуникацији Sirmium - Argentaria, која је повезивала престоницу провинције Доња Панонија са богатим рудницима сребра дуж средњег тока реке Дрине. Изузев помена на Појтингеровој табли о путној... more
A summary of over a decade of surveys and excavations at the site of a previously unknown Roman period settlement at the southern end of Margary's RR14 road from London at Bridge Farm, Nr. Barcombe Mills, Lewes, East Sussex, England.... more
Current knowledge of Roman roads and centuriations indicates that they could be well surveyed, with constant orientation and, for centuriations, high precision of linear measurement and accurate right angles. Therefore, models of some... more
De Amersfoortseweg werd rond het midden van de Gouden Eeuw aangelegd op de uitgestrekte heide tussen Amersfoort en Utrecht. Jacob van Campen, de architect van onder meer het Amsterdamse stadhuis, was de bedenker van de weg.... more
דרך עולי הרגל לירושלים בימי הבית השני:
מבט תרבותי-ארכיאולוגי
מבט תרבותי-ארכיאולוגי
Roman roads are the backbone of British history. This book examines the questions that never seem to be asked about Roman roads. Whilst new routes are traced and theories propounded about how they were surveyed, the important issues like... more
This paper presents the status quaestionis of studies and researches about Fanum Carisii, a roman station in Sardinia, recorded in Itinerarium Antonini and whose identification is now-a-day uncertain. Through the analysis of... more
Esta vía romana no viene descrita en el Itinerario de Antonino. Si bien es conocida en su tramo inicial desde muy antiguo, ya que figura en el mapa de Loperráez de 1788 que trata de la Descripción del Obispado de Osma, nunca se había... more
In Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds through Monsters, edited by Yasmine Musharbash and Geir Henning Presterudstuen. Forthcoming from Bloomsbury:... more
The location of the mansio Miaccum, mentioned in Antonino’s Itinerary on a route between Segovia and Titulcia, has been a subject of controversy for more than a Century. In this paper we summarize the different hypotheses that have been... more
El siguiente trabajo trata de poner en relación una de las más importantes calzadas de la Hispania Citerior: la Cartagonova-Complutum con una todavía enigmática denominación que recibieron ciertas calzadas romanas hispanas durante nuestro... more
Le Sud-Est de l’Europe constitue une région périphérique du monde romain durant le Haut-Empire, même s’il s’agit d’une zone frontalière et donc stratégique. À partir du milieu du IIIe siècle, la défense des provinces danubiennes conduit... more